This site contains sometimes explicit descriptions and reviews of interest to Adults. Access is only made available to those individuals who agree to the following terms:
- I am at least 18 years old and I will not allow any minor to access this website.
- Materials of a sexually explicit nature are not illegal to view in my community or locale.
- I wish to receive and I am not offended by sexually adult content.
- The author of this web site cannot be held responsible for my actions and I release them from any and all liability.
By pressing the button below, I accept and agree to the above:

This site has been designed to be compatible with most modern standards compliant browsers. Currently we test using Internet Explorer 7 & 8, Opera 9, Safari 3, and Firefox 3. While we do try to gracefully degrade for older browsers there are a few that are problematical.
- Internet Explorer before version 7 is not recommended as Microsoft only supports 7 & 8.
- AOL browsers have always been difficult to suport. The best solution is
to minimize the AOL browser and use another browser.
- WebTV is almost impossible to support. The documentation is virtually nonexistent and the tools are archaic and difficult to obtain.
The site is designed to be best view with a screen resolution of 800 x 600 or better and with at least 256 colors. We recommend using the latest version of firefox. Click the firefox photo to the right to find out more.
18 U.S.C 2257 Compliance Notice
All depictions on this site are exempt from the record keeping requirements of 18 U.S.C. Section 2257 because the depictions do not depict "Sexually Explicit Conduct", or are otherwise exempt.
The operators of this web site recognize the critical importance of preventing minors from appearing on the site. As a responsible Internet service provider, the operator of this site voluntarily undertakes significant measures to ensure that only compliant depictions are displayed.
To the best of our knowledge and belief all persons appearing in any depiction were at least eighteen years of age at the time of the creation of such depiction.