Co-Editors of Groundbreaking Book "Male Sex Work And Society" Launch Website to Support Male Sex Workers
By Andy Reynolds, July 7, 2016
New York City, NY — Few professions are as misunderstood, disparaged and infamous as that of the oldest of professions: sex work — particularly male sex work.
Though in reality the profiles of male sex workers are nearly as varied those of their clients — encompassing a wide range of personalities, needs and lifestyles — sex workers remain the targets of myriad, centuries old, ugly culturally ingrained myths: Guys become prostitutes because they�re too dumb to get a �real job.� They do it to support a drug habit. They must be self-hating victims of sexual abuse. They have low self-esteem. They are walking petri dishes of yet uncatalogued STDs.

The new website, Me, Us & Male Escorting at aims to not only challenge these ignorant misconceptions, but to also lobby for the decriminalization of sex work through an on ongoing series of informative blogs and resources, including links to widely cited and read books and research papers published on male escorting.
The website is the result of a joint research collaboration between Professor John Scott and Professor Victor Minichiello, who together authored the groundbreaking book "Male Sex Work and Society" (Harrington Park Press, 2014).
In creating this blog Scott and Minichiello's intent is �to create an innovative forum of collaboration between researchers, writers, sex workers, sex work organizations, and the media to further support the development of an ethically operated and entrepreneurially responsible business enterprise in society.�