
Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the world's smallest continent and a number of islands in the Southern, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the French dependency of New Caledonia to the northeast, and New Zealand to the southeast.
No state or territories have sodomy laws. Most of the states/territory have an age of cosent of 16 except for South Autrialia and Tasmania where the age of consent is 17. In Queensland the age of consent is 16 for oral sex & 18 for anal sex. In Northern Territory group sex is prohibited, sex involving more than two people is considered public sex. Western Australia prohibits the provision of information on homosexual matters to people who are or think they may be, homosexual, and who are under the age of 21.