January 26th, 2016
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Coverboy Mark - Washington, DC

Men of Instagram Strip Down For 'Snow Challenge'
By Dennis Hinzmann
Cyberspace — It turns out that no matter what season it is people can't resist putting themselves in uncomfortably cold situations. As 2014's ice bucket challenge showed us, if people are given the opportunity to strip down and shiver for their Instagram followers, they will. Enter Winter Storm Jonas who obligingly dumped more than two feet of snow on the eastern seaboard. Whether they're swimming through it or flipping into it, men across Instagram stripped down to their skivvies (or completely) to show Jonas they could handle however many inches he gave them. (More)

Stephen Amell Serenades and Smooches John Barrowman
By Bobby Hankinson
Secaucus, NJ — Despite the snowy weather this weekend, Arrow co-stars Stephen Amell and openly-gay sci-fi icon John Barrowman found a way to heat things up. (More)

To Battle Homophobia, Straight Celebs Pose As Gay Couples
By Staff
Cyberspace — Valentine's Day is coming up, and Telenovela star Eva Longoria and a few other celebs have teamed up to pose as Gay couples to show the universality of love. (More)

Gay Man Was Banned From Speaking To His Mom For Three Years
By Staff
New York City, NY — A Gay man was told to cut off his entire female half of his family if he wanted to 'cure' his sexuality. Mathew Shurka, a 27-year-old from New York, was told by 'Gay cure' counselors he was picking 'feminine behavior' from women. (More)

10 Unconventional Gifts To Show Your Man You Love Him This Valentine's Day
By Staff
Cyberspace — Give him the bouquet of blowjobs this valentine?s day. Tickle his balls this time or make the extra effort to go all the way even when your mouth gets tired and you don't want to do it anymore. (More)

Curb Your Ageism, Older Dudes Make Way Better Lovers
By Graham Gremore
Cyberspace — A male sex worker from Chicago is setting the record straight when it comes to fooling around with older men. (More)

NHL Team Wraps Sticks in Pride Tape
By Daniel Reynolds
Edmonton, Canada — A hockey team has found a colorful way to show support for the LGBT community. The Edmonton Oilers have wrapped their hockey sticks in Pride Tape, a rainbow adhesive that shows their commitment to inclusivity in sports. (More)