February 15th, 2016
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Coverboy Pierre CorVair - New York City

A Kiss
By Flora Botanica
Cyberspace — Dazzling spring looks, Photography by Mariano Vivanco. Styling by Grant Woolhead. (More)

Gay Imam Helps Young Muslims Balance Religion, Sexuality
By Nadine Achoui-Lessage & Greg Keller (AP)
Marseille, France — Growing up in Algeria, Shaira had almost everything a young man could wish for. But he also had a big secret. In a land where homosexuality is still a crime and a sin, he was forced to live a secret life, hiding that he was Gay from everyone — even his closest family. (More)

Peter Tatchell speaks out against National Union of Students snub
By Ashlee Kelly
Cantebury, England — NUS LGBT officer Fran Cowling has refused to attend a talk with the veteran human rights campaigner, accusing him of racism and transphobia (More)

Obama To Nominate Scalia Successor 'In Due Time'
By Kathleen Hennessey and Donna Cassata (AP)
Washington, DC — President Barack Obama declared Saturday night he would seek to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, charging into a heated and likely prolonged election-year fight with Republicans. Obama said a nomination was "bigger than any one party." (More)

27 Vintage Gay Couples Swooning For Their Valentines
By Staff
Cyberspace — Marriage equality wasn't even a pipe dream, homosexuality was a punishable crime and Grindr was something a wheat farmer probably used, and still these same-sex couples managed to find moments of affection and love. (More)

Ft. Lauderdale's Top Gay Guesthouses
By Ed Salvato
Fort Lauderdale — It's been a weird winter in the Northeast with a blizzard followed by oddly warm and muggy weather. What's a frisky Gay fellow frustrated with the weather to do? (More)

Italy's Prime Minister to Catholic Church: Stay Out of Civil Unions Debate
By Trudy Ring
Italy — As Italy's Parliament considers establishing civil unions for same-sex couples, the nation's prime minister has called for the Roman Catholic Church to stay out of the debate. (More)