August 3rd, 2017
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Pier Demarco of London

Working Ahead So That I Can Have A Long Coding Weekend
By Daddy 08/03/2017
Las Vegas, NV — I'm working ahead so that I can spend a long weekend coding for the 2nd pass of the backlog. 224 reviews in the new database. The 2nd pass will be another 224 reviews, More on what's happening tomorrow.
Thank-you to all for your support, August appears to now be covered! Any donations are gratefully accepted: donation page
I've got a big pile of people to add into the Cabana over the weekend. Reminder: If you have a message-forum handle be sure to let me know.
Big Old Hug and a Kiss,

Telly Leung, Disney's Latest Aladdin, Opens Up About His New Starring Role
By James Michael Nichols
Broadway — "Aladdin" is, at its core, a tale about discovering one's authentic self. Learning to appreciate one's true identity and self-worth is a journey virtually everyone experiences at some point in their life, and thus, it can be argued that the story reverberates more intimately today than many of the other stories in the Disney universe. (More)

Boy Scouts: Top Leaders Didn't Call Trump to Praise Speech
By David Crary (AP)
New York City — he Boy Scouts denied Wednesday that the head of the youth organization called President Donald Trump to praise his recent, politically aggressive speech to its national jamboree. (More)

Britney?s Fitness Model BF Has The Internet Drooling After Sharing This Bulging Snap
By Staff
Cyberspace — Sam Asghari, Britney Spears' front-loaded boyfriend who sent the Internet into a lustful frenzy late last year, is giving us something else to drool about after sharing a new snap showing off his prominent bulge. (More)

Pentatonix Covers Robyn's "Dancing On My Own"
By Andy Towle
Cyberspace — Pentatonix adds a cello to the mix for its latest cover, Robyn's "Dancing On My Own." The group is down to four members "Scott Hoying, Mitch Grassi, Kevin Olusola, and Kirstin Maldonado — following the departure in May of Avi Kaplan, who said he was "taking a step back" because of the hectic schedule. (More)

My tank top is putting gay issues in people's faces in Singapore
By Koh Jee Leong
Singaport — When I wore my "Gay But Not Yet Equal" tank top to my gym in Singapore, it became a national news story. Other gym users complained the vest, with the message "Equality For All" on the back, was me engaging in social advocacy on a sensitive national issue. (More)

Twenty-One Words The Queer Community Has Reclaimed (And Some WE Haven't)
By Staff
Cyberspace — If you want to ignite a group of LGBTQ folks, bring up the subject no one wants to talk about. Not Trump — everyone wants to talk about him. Drag out the never-ending discussion on what we should call ourselves. Are we Gay people? Are we Queer people? Can we say "Faggot" yet? Why is "Tranny" offensive? (More)

Rentbo's Former CEO Jeffrey Hurant Sentenced
By Derek de Koff
New York City — Hurant pleaded guilty to promoting prostitution and conspiracy to commit money laundering. (More)