<< Mar 30th, 2018 >>
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Silver Steele

Houston - 1st Reviw

New Review w/Photo

Silas Siegbert

Long Beach - 1st Review


Richard Desantis

New Haven - 7th Review



Palm Springs - 13th Review


March 30th, 2018

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Silver Steele of Houston

Silver Steele of Houston


I'm Doing A Lot Of Research This Week

By Daddy 03/30/2018

Las Vegas, NV — I'll be doing a lot of research this week on how to move forward in regards to the SESTA bill that passed the senate but as yet hasn't been signed into law. I hoping to finish the analysis this weekend.

The law has some problems that will send it to court fairly quickly. Until the bill is signed we won't know what the final verbiage is. Idle speculation serves no useful purpose until the bill is signed.

So until then let's remember the "Daddy Rules:"

  1. Don't Panic!
  2. Don't Break The Law!
  3. Know the Law!

We're up to 996 reviews and counting in the new database. Thank-you to all for your support! Any donations are gratefully accepted: donation page.

I've had to dip into my reserves this week so any donations are a help. My car's in the shop today for about $700 worth of repairs. They're recommending that I alsoreplace the front tires for about $300 of Tires. This week is being very expensive!

Big Old Hug and a Kiss,