June 10th, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Tony Serrano of New York City

Pushing To The Production Machine
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Coding is complete and with a bit more testing, I'll be ready to push it to the production server. 1/2 bug left. I've tested it up to the point where I can see the data but don't execute the final "Save." Tomorrow I'll be testing the new code and then start the moving the code to the production server.
The May bills are paid after pulling my reserves in and a good start on on June. The reserves are currently at the at <1% level. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

Filmmaker Tourmaline Shows Us How To Do Pride Campaigns Right
By Staff
Cyberspace — We’re only a week into Pride Month and the LGBTQ+ community has already seen a number of companies and brands unveil their Pride campaign’s for this year. In the planning for their own observance of the queerest time of year, Unilever did something almost unprecedented. (More)

Lovingly, A Family Raises An Intersex Child - Again
By Lindsay Whitehurst (AP)
Utah — When doctors said her youngest child would be a girl, Amie Schofield chose the name Victoria. Then they said the child would be a boy, so she switched to Victor. (More)

Kilted Yoga Master Proposes To Boyfriend At Capital Pride
By Staff
Washington D.C. — Finlay Wilson, a Scottish yoga instructor who went viral in 2017 for his kilted yoga videos, proposed to his boyfriend from atop a float at DC’s Capital Pride on Saturday. (More)

Greek Parliament Lit With Rainbows For Athens Pride
By Jamie Wareham
Athens — Organizers used the event to demand justice for Zak Kostopolous, otherwise known as drag queen 'Zackie Oh', who died last year (More)

Spencer Day On Pride, Performing And Why Moms Love His Golden Voice
By Chris Bull
Los Angeles — Beloved queer crooner Spencer Day is a busy guy, no more so than during pride month when he’ll performing in clubs from LA to SF to NYC. (More)

“Bad Boy” Introduces Hunky Delivery Boy In Latest Episode
By Lamar Dawson
Cyberspace — Out funnyman Artie O’Daly continues his Bad Boy web series and introduces another boy for us to gush over—and this one is really good at lifting things. (More)

Benjamin Charles Watson Brings Black And Gay Visibility To Designated Survivor
By Staff
Hollywood — Longtime fans of Designated Survivor — the political thriller starring Kiefer Sutherland as a government official who suddenly succeeds to the presidency after an explosion — may be surprised by the show's rebirth on Netflix, which picked up the series for a third season after its ABC cancellation. (More)