April 26th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Scott Demarco of Fort Lauderdale

Rearranging Computers
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — I'm busy moving content around between three different computers. The goal is to put up another computer where I can move the g-rated content to.
We have 1,063 reviews in the new database.
At this point my income is down greatly and thanks to your generous donations, April is now covered. My reserves are still at the the 50% level. Any help is welcome.
M4M Message Forums and Daddy's Reviews de-Linked
Big Old Hug and a Kiss,

Tom Daley Identifies as Queer, 'Not 100 Percent Gay'
By StHilton Dresden
Cyberspace — In a recent interview with The Times, father-to-be Tom Daley clarified his sexual identity, saying: “The word a lot of people are using now is queer, instead of labelling yourself as lesbian, gay or transsexual. Queer is, like, a better word,” he explained, continuing: “it doesn’t define you, it’s questioning.” (More)

'Deadpool 2' is About Kindness (Truly)
By Lindsey Bahr (AP)
Hollywood — After being stuck in development for over a decade, "Deadpool" broke box-office records and shattered preconceived notions about what an R-rated superhero movie could do when it debuted in February 2016. Now the foul-mouthed mercenary is back with a sequel that's gearing up to play in the big leagues - the summer movie season. (More)

Dan Reynolds Strips Down with Rainbow Flag: ‘Embrace Our Sexual Diversity’
By Andy Towle
Hollywood — Reynolds, a straight Mormon, is the subject of a new a documentary called Believer, directed by Don Argott (DeLorean, Batman & Bill, The Art of the Steal), which follows Reynolds as he explores how the LDS church treats its LGBTQ members. (More)

Eurovision's list of 'prohibited items' is long and frankly a little insane
By Joe Morgan
Lisbon — Don’t ever let it be said that Eurovision doesn’t take security seriously. The campest contest ever is back and many fans are readying themselves for Lisbon 2018. But for those hoping to bring their golf balls, ladders and hairspray, then they’re out of luck. The full 48-point list of prohibited items at Eurovision has been announced, and fans can’t help but question a few of them. (More)

Gay Dad Is Furious When His Son Gets A Tattoo
By David Grant
New Jersey — It used to be every parent’s nightmare. Now it’s just the nightmare of a significantly smaller subset of parents, including this gay New Jersey dad. (More)

Casual Homophobia Is a Big Problem Too, and This Emotional Short Film Gets It
By Terra Necessary
Hollywood — The hardest kind of discrimination to explain to someone who doesn't experience it is the subtle shit. The big stuff, most people get (if they’re people worth having around) since it is obviously much worse. But the small things that happen on a daily basis (More)