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Tom Sawyer

Las Vegas - New Photo


Ricardo Milos

Sarasota - Verification

New Review w/Photo

Preston Smith

Los Angeles - 1st Review

New Review w/Photo


Las Vegas - 1st Review


August 13th, 2018

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Tom Sawyer of Las Vegas

Tom Sawyer of Las Vegas


Working On My Writing Assignment

By Daddy

Las Vegas, NV —My writing is now up to just over 6,900 words with 2000's having a good start and the 2010's mostly done. I had a mild case of writers block so skipped to the end and I'm now working backwards. I have committed to writing 6,000-8,000 words so I'm starting to wrap it up.

Remember to vote in November, that's our next chance to start shifting the Government back to the middle or to the left. The Mid-Terms tend to have a light turnout; We can't afford to let this chance to set things right slip through our fingers. I haven't supported the Democrat or Republican parties in several decades so I plan to vote independent. Can you imagine the havoc a three party Congress would have on the Good Ol' Boy network?'

My reserves are at the 25% level and declining. At the current rate, I have about a month maybe two of reserves left. Every year there is a drought with the Flirt4Free commissions during the summer when everybody is out and about. Usually the fall/winter allows me to restock my reserves and that tends to last the rest of the year. This year between Trump being elected and the SESTA/FOSTA being signed by him the drought has been much more severe. Any help is welcome.

TowelRoad.com Enrique Doleschy - Mr Gay Europe 2018

Germany’s Enrique Doleschy Crowned Mr. Gay Europe 2018

By Staff

Poznan, Poland — 30-year-old financial planner Enrique Doleschy has won the twelfth annual Mr. Gay Europe competition which took place this year in Poznan, Poland. (More)


Five Reasons To Explain Why Gay Men Over 45 Are Still Single

By David Toussaint

Cyberspace — According to a recent survey by AARP, more Gay men over the age of 45 are single than are in a relationship. Well, slap my ass and call me Nancy because every time I look around I feel that I see a sea of coupled men and just a few single older dudes, like me. (More)

Israels LGBTQ - Equal Surrogacy Rights

Israel’s LGBTQ Community Fights for Equal Surrogacy Rights

By Samantha Manzella

Tel Aviv, Israel — Tens of thousands of Israelis took to the streets of Tel Aviv this Sunday to protest the government’s denial of equal parental rights to same-sex couples. (More)


Nick Jonas’ Newest Fragrance Is “Fresh, Sexy, and Memorable”

By Zachary Zane

New York City, NY — On August 8, Nick Jonas and designer John Varvatos unveiled their newest fragrance collaboration for men, JV x NJ. (More)

Up Your Alley Street Fair

Up Your Alley Street Fair

By Darryl Pelletier

San Fracisco, CA — Pups, Whips and Bears, Oh My! It was hot and steamy for the Up Your Alley St. Fair, Folsom's dirty little brother when the kink and leather community came out to play in the streets of San Francisco. (More)

Gay Star News

Broadway Show 'Boys In The Band' Wraps Up, Ends With Standing Ovation

By James Besanvalle

Broadway — Star-studded Broadway show 'Boys in the Band' played its final performance last night, 11 August 2018, complete with a standing ovation. (More)

365 Gay Jacob Lapp & David Forstadt

17 Times Travelers Faced Discrimination for Flying While LGBTQ

By Aryn Plax

Cyberspace — When The Abbey owner David Cooley spoke out against Alaskan Airlines for making his partner move seats — to make room for a straight couple to sit together — his story was met with an uproar. (More)