August 15th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Allan of Buffalo

Working On Bugs...
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV —.
I have about 8 bugs that are annoying me. I'm going to take the rest of the week to wipe them out of existence.Remember to vote in November, that's our next chance to start shifting the Government back to the middle or to the left. The Mid-Terms tend to have a light turnout; We can't afford to let this chance to set things right slip through our fingers. I haven't supported the Democrat or Republican parties in several decades so I plan to vote independent. Can you imagine the havoc a three party Congress would have on the Good Ol' Boy network?'
My reserves are at the 25% level and dropping. At the current rate, I have about a month maybe two of reserves left. Every year there is a drought with the Flirt4Free commissions during the summer when everybody is out and about. Usually the fall/winter allows me to restock my reserves and that tends to last the rest of the year. This year between Trump being elected and the SESTA/FOSTA being signed by him the drought has been much more severe. Any help is welcome.

The Wild Ascent Of 'Crazy Rich Asians' Star Henry Golding
By Lindsey Bahr (AP)
Hollywood — Henry Golding was working as a travel show host in Singapore when news broke that "Crazy Rich Asians" was going to be a movie. The city, he remembers, was abuzz about a major Hollywood production coming to Southeast Asia. (More)

Colton Haynes Hilariously Trolls Kim Kardashian's Yeezy Campaign
By Glenn Garner
Cyberspace — It involves underwear and sneakers in bed. As the internet is best for, the viral image has already become the butt of a few internet jokes. This time, it comes from gay heartthrob, Colton Haynes. (More)

Ricky Martin Wears The Absolute Tightest Speedo Possible In The Mediterranean
By David Grant
Sardinia, Italy — After a super busy year, Ricky Martin is currently enjoying some much-needed R&R with hubby Jwan Yosef in the Mediterranean. (More)

Oklahoma School District Shuts Down After Parents Threaten Trans Student
By Anya Crittenton
Oklahoma — An Oklahoma school district is shutting down entirely until Wednesday (15 August) after parents threatened — sometimes physically — a transgender student. (More)

Diet Coke Break
By Staff
Cyberspace — Queer L.A.-based rapper Big Dipper recreates the famous Diet Coke commercial starring Lucky Vanous and suddenly we’re very thirsty. (More)

LGBT Activists Counter Protest, Outnumber Alt-Right Demonstrators
By Lou Chibbaro Jr
Washinton, DC — About 150 LGBT people and their supporters marched from Dupont Circle to 18th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. on Sunday afternoon as part of what they called a Queer and Trans “ResisDance Party” and counter protest to the Unite the Right rally next to the White House organized by white supremacist leaders. (More)

70 Photos of Men, Unguarded and Showing It All
By Pawel Soychalski
Warsaw, Poland — Self-taught photographer Pawel Bronislaw Spychalski is 43 and living and working in Warsaw in his native Poland. He is fiercely independent and loyal. He wisely trusts his own instincts rather than following trends. (More)