March 19th, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Vinny Brancato of Chicago

Who would have thought?
By Daddy
Cyberspace — Who would have thought that in my lifetime an openly Gay man would qualify to be in the Presidential debate? This is important because no matter what questions he has to answer, he will be out there for us. Bravo Pete Buttigieg!
To all those that have donated thank you! About a third of March is taken care of. I had to dip into my reserves which are now at the 12% level. At this time I have about 3/4 of a months reserves left. I think I'll have to use most of it this month. Any help is appreciated.

Chris Hemsworth’s Mouth Feeding A Quokkas
By Rose Dommu
Rottnest Island, Australia — Hemsworth was taking an adorable photo with a quokkas, a tiny marsupial related to kangaroos. While the Avengers star’s photo with his new best friend was cute enough to make even Thanos go “aw,” that’s not the story, baby. What we, the LGBTQ+ community are interested in on this day is what happened behind the scenes. (More)

After Banning Porn, Tumblr Users Reportedly Flee from Platform
By Staff
Cyberspace — After it was announced in December that Tumblr would ban pornography from its platform, several users said they would leave the site as they primarily used it to view x-rated content. (More)

John Oliver Riffs on Public Shaming: ‘Every Nine Seconds We Find Something New to Be Outraged About’
By Andy Towle
Cyberspace — John Oliver explored how the internet has fueled the phenomenon of “public shaming” in a segment on Last Week Tonight. (More)

Queer Eye's Jones Sister's Secret Sauce Sells Out In Just One Day
By Josh Milton
Hollywood — If you spent the weekend wailing over the Queer Eye cast’s latest efforts to save humanity, then you’ve probably seen barbecue pit queens Deborah and Mary Jones. (More)

Pete Buttigieg Will Be The First Out Gay Man Ever To Participate In A Presidential Debate
By Graham Gremore
South Bend, IN — This is major. Mayor Pete Buttigieg just surpassed the donor goal needed to qualify for participation in the first Democratic primary debate in June. The Democratic National Committee requires that a candidate receive a minimum of 65,000 individual donors before being invited to the debate stage. (More)

Courts Splitting Over Fair Housing Protection
By Lisa Keen
United States — A residence for seniors in Illinois has agreed to settle its disagreement with a lesbian who successfully sued the facility for taking no action to stop anti-LGBT abuse against her by other residents. But in Missouri, a national LGBT litigation group filed an appeal this month after a federal judge ruled that a similar residence in Missouri could reject a couple for admission because they are a same-sex married couple. (More)

70 Sexy, Funny, and Outrageous Photos Ron Reyes
By Ron Reyes
Mission Viejo, CA — Ron Reyes has as much energy as an entire film studio. Elaborate sets, wild costumes, and so many beautifully curated models. Plus, he pumps out work in high volume. These male fantasy photos from the creative collection are only a part of his photo library. (More)