March 20th, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Sagan of Chicago

I've Been Binge Watching Queer Eye
By Daddy
Cyberspace — I've been binge watching "Queer eye" and I'm so proud of the goodness that they are serving the world. Almost every episode has me in tears. I've been putting off watching it because of my memories of the original series that started back in 2003.
The major difference this time around is that they really don't care who they're working on, Gay, Straight, Male, Female and all points in between get their iconic make overs. I would love to have these five people show up at my door just so that they can put the spotlight on being a senior gender fluid Queer.
To all those that have donated thank you! About a third of March is taken care of. I had to dip into my reserves which are now at the 12% level. At this time I have about 3/4 of a months reserves left. I think I'll have to use most of it this month. Any help is appreciated.

American Idol Contestant Comes Out of the Closet During Audition
By Rose Dommu
Hollywood — It’s been a big season for queer contestants on American Idol — Katy Perry’s impact? This week on Idol, another queer contestant also shared an original song with nearly the same name. (More)

'Medieval' Diseases Flair as Unsanitary Living Conditions Proliferate
By Anna Gorman
Hollywood, CA — Jennifer Millar keeps trash bags and hand sanitizer near her tent, and she regularly pours water mixed with hydrogen peroxide on the sidewalk nearby. Keeping herself and the patch of concrete she calls home clean is a top priority. (More)

‘Michael and Michael Are Gay’ Attend a Party Where Clothing is Not Optional
By Staff
Cyberspace — Michael and Michael get invited to a super-intimidating party where clothing is not optional by their friends Greg (Kit Williamson) and Justin (Blake Cooper Griffin) in Episode 4 of the web series Michael And Michael Are Gay. (More)

‘Daniel Isn’t Real’ is a homoerotic horror film about mental illness
By Daniel Villarreal
Hollywood — Adam Egypt Mortimer’s Daniel Isn’t Real—which premiered at the 2019 SXSW Conference & Festivals this weekend—is the most homoerotic film about mental illness since Fight Club, and it shares the latter’s dark, gritty, sex-fueled style but to a much more nightmarish purpose. (More)

Ralph Fiennes Condemns Chechnya’s ‘Disgusting’ Anti-Gay Purge
By David Hudson
Hollywood — The actor and director has made a movie about dancer Rudolf Nureyev’s defection from the Soviet Union. (More)

Supreme Court declines B&B’s appeal for religious exemption
By Lisa Keen
Washington, DC — The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday it would not hear an appeal from the owner of a bed and breakfast in Hawaii who refused to accommodate a same-sex couple. The rejection represents a small victory for LGBT legal activists who have found themselves defending against a growing number of businesses seeking the right to discriminate against LGBT people by claiming their religion requires them to do so. (More)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Celebrates Gay Strongman Rob Kearney's Wedding
By Tracy E. Gilchrist
Half Moon Bay, Australia — Former California governor, movie star, and body builder Arnold Schwarzenegger celebrated the wedding of strongman Rob Kearney and his new husband Joey Aleixo with an Instagram post showing the three men together. Kearney and Aleixo were married in Australia on Sunday just days after Kearney took first place at the Arnold Australia Pro Strongman sports festival. (More)