<< Aug 8th, 2019 >>
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London - 4th Review

New Review w/Photo

Lance Woods

Philadelphia - 1st Review



Detroit - 10th Review


Russ Barker

Los Angeles - Name Correction


August 8th, 2019

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Magnus of London

Magnus of London


Daddy Logo

Slept All Day Today

By Daddy

Las Vegas — I'm running late today. I slept all day today because I didn't have any appointments with Doctors and/or Nurses. I should be feeling guilty but it felt so, so good. The only plan is to get the days reviews up and then go make hard boiled eggs. The daily grind starts tomorrow with two appointments.

All the bills for last month are paid. I still have meds to pay for. The reserves are depleted. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

Out.com Logo 'Pose’s Gay Sex Scene Almost Didn’t Happen

'Pose’s Gay Sex Scene Almost Didn’t Happen

By Mikelle Street

Hollywood — There was a lot going on in tonight’s Pose episode. There was the opening sex scene, a rare — and one of the first since the important groundbreaking work of Noah’s Arc in 2005 — sighting of two gay, Black men actually having sex on television as opposed to having it inferred like Hollywood likes to do so often/ (More)

Edge Logo

Nation's Only Industrial Hemp Seed Bank Being Created In NY

By Associated Press

New York — Work has begun on creating the nation's only hemp seed bank in New York's Finger Lakes region. The "Industrial Hemp Germplasm Repository" will be established at Cornell University's agricultural research facility. (More)

TowleRoad Logo What’s Your Kink?

What’s Your Kink?

By Staff

Cyberspace — Michael Henry, Jimmy Fowlie, and Peter Kim found themselves wondering when it is that sexual “liberation” turns into sexual “degradation.” (More)

Gayety Logo

9 LGBTQ Shows You Can Watch On Netflix

By Staff

Hollywood — LGBTQ representation in media is at an all-time high, and that couldn’t be truer for the streaming giant Netflix. According to a recent GLAAD report, the number of queer characters has increased by more than 100. (More)

Queerty Logo Diplo Tells Fans “I Might Be Gay”

Diplo Tells Fans “I Might Be Gay”

By David Grant

Cyberspace — When famed musician Diplo found himself flying in a jet with a heavily cracked windshield, he took the opportunity to hop on Instagram and tell fans he’s gay. Or rather, he “might be gay.” (More)

KeenNews Logo

Buttigieg’s A Solid Fifth In The Primary Marathon

By Lisa Keen

Detroit — Pete Buttigieg was was running fifth out of 24 candidates going into the second round of Democratic presidential debates last week, and he was running fifth coming out of those debates. But two remarks he made during the July 30 debate in Detroit did seem to register some attention to him in the crowded field. (More)

Advocate Logo Richard Branson Is Ready To Cruise With The Gays

Richard Branson Is Ready To Cruise With The Gays

By David Artavia

London — But a sad truth for LGBTQ travelers is that life aboard many mainstream cruise lines can feel isolating and restrictive. (More)