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New York City - 1st review


David Maxim

Budapest - 3rd Review


August 15th, 2019

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Marcell of New York City

Marcell of New York City


Daddy Logo

Working On My Health

By Daddy

Las Vegas — I have a podiatrist for treating my diabetic foot wound. This is my first appointment so spending the time getting the information together that he'll need.

The reserves are depleted. About 40% of August is covered. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

Out.com Logo This ‘Pose’ Parody Is The Funniest Thing You’ll See All Day

This ‘Pose’ Parody Is The Funniest Thing You’ll See All Day

By Samantha Allen

Hollywood — It’s tens across the board for this hilarious “Basic Ball” sketch from HBO’s new comedy A Black Lady Sketch Show. (More)

Edge Logo

5 'Plant Influencers' Offer Decor Tips For Fall Houseplants

By Tracee M. Herbaugh (AP)

Cyberspace — Houseplants are a quick and easy way to dress your home in autumnal color. Anthuriums can add hues of pink, red or white. The philodendron's cascading, heart-shaped green leaves bring a touch of the outdoors inside. And of course, the poinsettia's red and green foliage is a popular choice for holiday décor. (More)

TowleRoad Logo Anthony Scaramucci No Longer Supports Trump’s Re-Election Bid

Anthony Scaramucci No Longer Supports Trump’s Re-Election Bid

By Andy Towle

New York — Anthony Scaramucci says he’s not “neutral” on the president and says it’s “pretty obvious” that he no longer supports Trump’s re-election bid. “He is giving people a license to hate,” the former communications director told CNN’s John Berman. (More)

Advocate Logo

IMDb Changes Deadnaming Policy, But Trans People Are Still At Risk

By David Rey

Cyberspace — The Internet Movie Database has revised its policy regarding the listing of birth names. Some professionals in the entertainment industry may now apply to have them removed — but not erased entirely. (More)

Logo Logo Trans Actor Leo Sheng Talks “Adam” Backlash And His Onscreen Bromance

Trans Actor Leo Sheng Talks “Adam” Backlash And His Onscreen Bromance

By Lawrence Ferber

Hollywood — "When I was on set it felt like people involved with the film had this understanding that this was a really big queer moment." (More)

AVN Logo

Bill To Decriminalize Prostitution Re-Introduced In D.C.

By mark Kernes

Washington D.C. — It's a truism that in any area where politicians cluster, sex workers won't be far away. Recall that NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer used to travel to D.C. to tryst with Emperors Club VIP hookers at the Mayflower Hotel, and he's only one of many who did something similar. (More)

Queerty Logo Tom Daley Makes Himself Thirsty With Underwear Selfies

Tom Daley Makes Himself Thirsty With Underwear Selfies

By Dan Clarendon

Cyberspace — Tom Daley needed to guzzle some water recently as he took photos of himself wearing only underwear. The steamy photos — in which the Olympic diver’s red Diesel briefs are riding low on his hips — have been making the rounds on social media, giving a whole new definition to the phrase “thirst trap.” (More)