FAQ — Browser Issues

This site has been designed to be compatible with most modern standards compliant browsers. Currently we test using Internet Explorer 7 & 8, Opera 9, Safari 3, and Firefox 3. While we do try to gracefully degrade for older browsers there are a few that are problematical.
- AOL browsers have always been difficult to support. The best solution is to minimize the AOL browser and use another browser.
- WebTV is almost impossible to support. The documentation is virtually nonexistent and the tools are archaic and difficult to obtain.
The site is designed to be best viewed with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or better and with at least 256 colors. We recommend using the latest version of Firefox which is available on most platforms.
How do I change the text size?
The site was designed to allow the user to adjust the font size. Most browsers have a menu item (Usually on the "View" menu) to allow you to change the text size.
I'm using AOL...
AOL browser have always been extremely variable especially with the older versions. The easiest solution is once your online to minimize the AOL browser and use another browser. We recommend Firefox, it's free and it's very compliant with the standards.
I'm looking for new reviews but all I see are the old ones.
Mostly likely your ISP is caching our web pages. In most cases pressing "Refresh" in your browser will bring up the latest content.
I'm a WebTV customer, how do I view your site?
WebTV is almost impossible to support at this point. The documentation is virtually nonexistent, the tools are archaic and difficult to obtain. If the problem is completely a show stopper, send me an email and give me as much information as you can.
We do on occasion attempt to tune portions of the site with the WebTV simulator, but it is always a slow and tedious process so we have to put that type of work on the low priority queue.
We do have a few WebTV users left; Try posting a message in "Daddys Place" portion of the Forum asking for suggestions.