June 14th, 2016
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Coverboy Is In Mourning for Orlando

My Response To The Orlando Tragedy
By Daddy
Opinion— Orlando had a terrible weekend, one that tears at the very fiber of my being. Two separate tragic incidents.
First, Christina Grimmie was shot by a lone gunman armed with two guns and a knife. Christina's brother Marcus immediately tackled the suspect stopping him from causing any more harm to Christina and her fans. Two deaths, No Injuries.
Second was at Pulse, a popular nightclub which was invaded by a gunman with a handgun and an AR15 rifle. Challenged by a off-duty police officer it then turned into a hostage situation and the situation wasn't resolved until swat showed up. 50 dead, 53 Wounded.
In the first situation two people were killed and one has to wonder how many people were saved by that act of courage that Christina's Brother showed?
In the second situation fifty people died and another fifty three people were injured. In that situation one has to wonder that if that lone policeman had armed back up, how many people would have been saved?
We'll never know. So I question myself: "What can I do?"
I live in an open-carry state. I also know that given my proficiency with my 9mm handgun that the 2nd incident would have been over in minutes not hours, if I had happened to have been there and if I had happen to have been exercising my 2nd amendment rights.
So it's time to get my handgun out of the closet, get it professionally cleaned and serviced, and then go to a shooting range and see if I still have the accuracy that I did when I was a younger man. If I don't, I'll practice until I regain it. Then I'll be buying a clip-on holster and a gun safe for the car.
You see I'm one of those weird birds that'll put himself in harm's way to protect his brothers and sisters. A few minutes can make all the difference in the world. The police can not be everywhere all the time. So it behoves us to actively protect ourselves until they arrive.

This Man Crawled His Way Out of Pulse, Then Helped Others
By Jacob Ogles
Orlando, FL — Christopher Hansen went to Pulse Saturday evening because he was curious. "Being new to Orlando, I just wanted to see what the gay bars were like" said Hansen. But hours after arriving, he would find himself crawling out the patio exit as the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history happened around him. (More)

Equality Florida Launches GoFundMe Page To Support Victims Of Pulse Massacre
By Staff
Cyberspace — Equality Florida, the state's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, is collecting contributions on GoFundMe to support the victims of the horrific shooting at Orlando?s Pulse Nightclub. (More)

The Eiffel Tower Lit Up in Rainbow Colors For Orlando
By Sean Mandell
Paris, France — The Eiffel Tower lit up in rainbow colors for the second night in a row in honor of the people who were brutally gunned down at the Gay nightclub Pulse in Orlando, Florida on Sunday. (More)

'Hamilton' wins 11 Tonys but fails to break record
By Mark Kennedy (AP)
New York City, NY — "Hamilton," the hip-hop stage biography of Alexander Hamilton, won the 2016 Tony Award for best new musical, capping an emotional night in which many in the Broadway community rallied to embrace the LGBT community after a shooting at a Gay Florida nightclub. (More)

Anderson Cooper breaks down while reading names of Orlando victims
By Nigel Tan
Orlando, FL — Anderson Cooper started his prime time program AC360 on CNN with a heart-wrenching tribute to the lives lost in the mass shooting which happened early Sunday morning at Orlando nightclub Pulse. (More)

Gay Teens Confess What's Really On Their Minds
By Staff
Eyberspace — Teenage years are no walk in the park. Sure, you typically don't have any high-stake life pressures demanding constant action, and lots of time is spent socializing, but the volcanic hormonal eruptions taking place in the brain pretty much ensure that there will be a hefty share of drama. (More)

Fear and Pride in Los Angeles
By Daniel Reynolds
Los Angeles, CA — "I'm heartbroken. I love you all, and I'm so proud of you for being here tonight," declared Carly Rae Jepsen, a headline performer of Los Angeles Pride. (More)