June 20th, 2016
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Coverboy Mark Tunnel - Los Angeles

Dove Men+Care Features Gay Dads in New Commercial
By Dan Heching
Cyberspace — After last year's adorable campaign, Dove Men+Care has released a new video on YouTube to show their support of same-sex parenting. (More)

Wolverton's Bar Sign Supports Orlando Victims In Spite Of Complaint
By Staff
Wolverton, UK — One jolly cross customer will no longer be purchasing coffee beverages from a UK bar, because he's incensed about the signage recently placed outside the establishment in support of the victims of the Orlando massacre. (More)

'Golden' Is A Short Film About How Gay People Find A Safe Space In The World
By Andy Towle
Cyberspace — Golden is a short film by Kai Stanicke about how Gay people find their safe space in the world. (More)

As Orlando Funerals Wrap Up, Survivors Worry About Future
By Terrance Harris, Jason Dearen and Alex Sanz (AP)
Orlando — A week has passed since the Orlando nightclub shooting that killed 49 club patrons and the funeral processions are wrapping up, but survivors and victims' families say they realize the nightmare will live on long after the world's attention fades. (More)

Eleven Photos Of Amazing Gay Dads And Their Kids For Father's Day
By David Hudson
Cyberspace — Today, in many countries, more and more Gay men are discovering that their dreams of parenthood can be realized. Men like those featured below? (More)

Apple and Its Gay CEO Want Nothing to Do With GOP Convention
By Neal Broverman
Cupertino, CA — Apple — one of the world's most influential tech companies — is refusing to provide money or technology to the GOP convention in Cleveland thanks to the party's nominee. (More)

'Hot Felon; Returns With New, Criminally Sultry Instagram Pictures
By Derek De Koff
Cyberspace — If you saw him in a lineup, you'd say, "Officer, that's him — the man who stole my heart." And the precinct would collectively roll their eyes and wish you hadn't come. (More)