June 24th, 2016
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Coverboy Justin Stone - New York City

Matt Bomer Talks Straight Roles, Pride, & The Greatness of Montgomery Clift
By Jim Halterman
Hollywood — We've seen Matt Bomer play straight roles in the past. White Collar con man Neal Caffrey launched the actor into fame, and though Bomer was bearing all some years later alongside Channing Tatum in Magic Mike, his character was also straight. (More)

LGBT Turnout For Free Course Surprises Local Shooting Range
By Ryan Korsgard
Houston, TX — It was a unique offer by the Shiloh Shooting Range in northwest Harris County, just days after the shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Shiloh offered free gun classes to the LGBT community and hundreds of people responded. (More)

Sean Hayes Regrets Not Coming Out During ?Will and Grace
By Andy Towle
Hollywood — "?I got Will & Grace, and I thought, 'Oh, this is different. I don't know how to handle this..." (More)

'Tickled' :: Journalist David Farrier Journey Inside the World's Oddest Sport
By Greg Vellante
Cyberspace — New Zealand journalist, David Farrier, has covered some bizarre stories during his career."Probably the weirdest thing I've ever covered is this story I did on a guy in Florida who had a six-month sexual relationship with a dolphin. And I interviewed him about that," says Farrier. (More)

Greg Louganis Goes Fully Nude — At Age 56
By Staff
Cyberspace — Going nude for a major publication is bold at any age. Greg Louganis just went for it at 56. The Olympic diving dynamo just doffed his speedo for ESPN's annual 'Body' issue, and we?re way down. (More)

Pulse Nightclub In Orlando Held A Latin Night Street Party Last Night And It Was Incredible
By Joe Morgan
Orlando, FL — Hundreds of people gathered in Thornton Park last night thrown by the owner of Pulse nightclub, Barbara Poma. She said she wanted to raise money for her employees, who have all been out of work since the shooting, and wanted to give back to the community. (More)

Bernie Sanders Says He'll Vote for Hillary Clinton
By Trudy Ring
Hollywood — Bernie Sanders has finally said he'll vote for Hillary Clinton for president, after their long and contentious race in the Democratic primaries. (More)