July 7th, 2016
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Coverboy Gabriel Clark - Montreal

It Got Better Featuring Andrew Rannells
By Staff
Hollywood — Growing up Gay isn't easy. Growing up gay in Omaha, Nebraska, in the '80s is a whole other story. Andrew Rannells shares his story about finding his voice, and himself, in the theater. (More)

The Stud: Rent Increase May Close San Francisco's Oldest Gay Bar
By Janie Har (AP)
San Francisco, CA — One of the nation's most celebrated Gay bars may soon go out of business after a new landlord more than doubled the rent, part of a trend that has old-timers lamenting that the San Francisco they know and love — dilapidated and diverse &madsh; is disappearing. (More)

What Kind of Man Do You Prefer, Smooth or Hairy?
By Sean Mandell
Cyberspace — When it comes to personal grooming, what do you prefer, a man who's smooth or someone with a bit of fur? (More)

Insurers' Spending on Costly Meds Soared from 2003-14
By Associated Press
United States — A new study finds that insurers' spending on very expensive prescription drugs nearly quadrupled in the U.S. from 2003 through 2014, while the number of such prescriptions filled tripled over that stretch. (More)

James Franco Hazes Nick Jonas In New Way
By Staff
Hollywood — What happens when you pair up the likes of Nick Jonas and James Franco in a psychosexual thriller about hazing rituals, unstoppered sadism, and the lengths frat boys will go in the name of 'brotherhood? (More)

Mormon Church Leaders Blasted Over Gay Suicides By Singer Tyler Glenn
By Greg Hernandez
Salt Lake City, UT — Neon Trees lead singer Tyler Glenn is blasting leaders of the Mormon Church whose doctrine he blames for a spate of recent LGBTI suicides. (More)

Gay Sulu? George Takei Says No Way
By Dawn Ennis
Hollywood — The actor who created the iconic character says the Starship Enterprise helmsman should stay straight, and a new, out and proud gay character should have been created. http://www.advocate.com/film/2016/7/07/gay-sulu-george-takei-says-no-way-video (More)