August 1st, 2016
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Coverboy Mario - Miami

Brad William Henke Talks Openly Gay 'Papa Bear' Piscatella
By James Patrick Herman
Hollywood — Nobody can accuse Orange is the New Black producers of typecasting. After all, when looking to fill the shoes of openly Gay C.O. Desi Piscatella, they chose 6-foot-4 former NFL player — and veteran character actor — Brad William Henke. (More)

Judge Mulling N.C. 'Bathroom Bill' Supported Overturned Voter ID Law
By Jonathan Drew (AP)
Raleigh, NC — The fate of the North Carolina law governing transgender restroom access rests in the hands of a judge appointed by President George W. Bush who recently sided with the state's Republican leaders by upholding a voter ID law — but just had that decision overturned by a federal appeals court. (More)

Gay Civil Unions Have Begun Taking Place in Italy
By Sean Mandell
Italy — Same-sex couples in Italy have begun entering into civil unions, months after the nation became the last in Western Europe to provide some measure of marriage rights for its LGBT citizenry. (More)

Employees At Two Restaurants Fired for Refusing Service to Police
By Associated Press
Brenham, TX — Police in suburban Houston say a McDonald's worker has been fired for refusing to serve an officer. (More)

Barbra Streisand And Hugh Jackman Duet For The First Time
By Greg Hernandez
Hollywood — In a video about their collaboration, Jackman says he was in disbelief when he received an email message from Streisand asking him to participate. - Read more at: (More)

Photographer Turned His Body Image Issues Into Empowering Homoerotic Art
By Graham Gremore
Cyberspace — For Jean Mailloux, photography is about more than just capturing powerful images. It's about healing. (More)

Pro-LGBT American Pastor Expelled From Russia
By Daniel Reynolds
Samara, Russia — Jim Mulcahy, a 72-year-old native of Boston, was arrested in the city of Samara earlier this month, after police heard he planned to conduct a same-sex marriage (More)