July 15th, 2016
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Coverboy Lucioc - Buenos Aires

Gay Acrobats Honor Orlando With Stunning Colorful Performance
By Staff
Cyberspace — Set to a rhythmic song by The Irrepressibles, director Matthew Richardson?s video honors Orlando victims with a stunning acrobatic dance between two men. (More)

Anglicans Recount Same-sex Marriage Votes, Find Love Actually Won
By Charmaine Noronha (AP)
Toronto, Canada — A day after the Anglican Church of Canada narrowly voted not to authorize Gay unions, questions about the integrity of the voting process emerged Tuesday, leading to a reversal of the result with the church approving the measure. (More)

Video of Male Model Working Out With Cat Goes Viral
By Staff
Cyberspace — If you've been on Facebook this week you've probably see at least a few friends share a super sexy video of model Travis DesLaurier working out...with his cat. (More)

Aussie TV Show About a Gay Swimmer in the 90s Will Leave You Wet
By Sean Mandell
Holywood — A new Australian television show set in the late 90s tells of a hotshot swimmer on the rise who must come to terms with his sexuality. (More)

Prince Harry Just Took A Hiv Test Live On Facebook
By David Hudson
Cyberspace — Britain's Prince Harry this morning took a HIV test live on Facebook. The Facebook Live transmission went out on the official Royal Family page. (More)

These Are The Two Vaccines That Could Save Gay Men's Lives
By Drew Kiser
Cyberspace — With the advent of Pre-Exposure Prophylactics (PrEP) like Truvada, some Gay man have found no reason to lose sleep over sexually transmitted diseases. This indifference comes in spite of the fact that STD rates on both sides of the Atlantic have skyrocketed in recent years, and even rates of HIV transmission continue to increase among youth of color. (More)

Twins Karolis And Matas Jonaitis Get Handsy In Their Leggings
By Staff
Cyberspace — Meet Karolis Jonaitis and Matas Jonaitis, the modeling twins who have turned brotherly roughhousing into a lucrative career. Funny, all it ever got us was a rug burn and a time out. (More)