August 30th, 2016
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Coverboy Dawn Lockhorn - Atlanta
Gus Kenworthy Plays 'Family Feud' To Support Homeless LGBTQ Youth
By Michael Lambert
Hollywood — Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy will take the stage of 'Celebrity Family Feud' this weekend to raise money for the Happy Hippie Foundation, a nonprofit serving homeless LGBTQ youth. (More)
Research Confirms Bisexual Men Make The Best Lovers
By Graham Gremore
Victoria, Australia — A new study has found that Bi guys are some of the most sexually attentive and emotionally available men out there. (More)
Matteo Lane and His 'Gay Voice' Liven Up 'Late Night with Seth Meyers'
By Andy Towle
Hollywood — Seth Meyers welcomed actor and comic Matteo Lane to Late Night last week where he introduced the audience to his unique show biz experience. (More)
Shigellosis Outbreak Among Los Angeles MSM
By Staff
Los Angeles, CA — An outbreak of Shigellosis, a common diarrheal disease caused by a group of bacteria called Shigella, is affecting men who have sex with men in Los Angeles, Pasadena, and Long Beach. (More)
Justin Bieber Turns The Other Cheek To The World
By Derek De Koff
Hollywood — Once again, the singer is demonstrating his exhibitionist streak to an increasingly shruggy world. (More)
Church groups consider split from Church of England over LGBT acceptance
By Ashlee Kelly
Kent, England — Parishes of the Church of England are threatening to break away if the Church becomes more accepting of LGBTI issues. (More)
LGBT Comics Say Goodbye to Gene Wilder
By Robbie X PiercE
Hollywood — With the death of Gene Wilder, the world lost a man who was more than a great comedic actor; his humanity shone through in his performances in all his films, such as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and several Mel Brooks movies (The Producers, Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles). (More)