August 12th, 2016
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Coverboy Javier Gin - Houston

Teen Wolf Actor Cast In New Gay Role On The Originals
By Michael Lambert
Hollywood — Sad that Teen Wolf is ending? Don't worry. One alum will be back on another supernatural show sure to sate some thirsty fans out there. (More)

Male Underwear Model Teaches Us How To Hide Visible Penis Lines
By Adrian Garcia
Cyberspace — Visible penis lines (VPL) are a threat to the male modeling industry. (More)

Lily Tomlin First Guest on Miss Coco Peru's 'Conversations With Coco'
By Staff
Hollywood — After a successful Kickstarter campaign, drag icon Miss Coco Peru announced that she will film a for-profit series pilot of "Conversations with Coco," based on her live theatre fundraising events. Her scheduled guest for the planned August 13 pilot is Lily Tomlin. (More)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to Apologize for Persecution of Gay Canadians
By Sean MAndell
Canada — According to a new report, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will offer a formal apology on behalf of the government and all citizens to any Canadian who has ever been fired, persecuted or imprisoned because of their sexuality. (More)

New Star Trek Tv Show Will Have Openly Gay Character
By Joe Morgan
Hollywood — Continuing the increased diversity as seen in the new films, Gay showrunner Bryan Fuller has revealed the new crew of Star Trek: Discovery will be different from what has come before. (More)

Daily Beast's Grindr-Baiting Is the Worst Invasion of Privacy
By Daniel Reynolds
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — The internet is not happy with The Daily Beast. The news site published an article Thursday morning in which the author — a straight white married man and father — discussed his adventures conversing with male Olympic athletes on Grindr. (More)

Instagram Pic of Tom Daley And Greg Louganis Oddly Moving
By Derek De Koff
Cyberspace — Perhaps it's something to do with the affectionate gaze in each other's eyes, or maybe there's something oddly ineffable in the subtext — one generation handing the proverbial Olympic torch down to another; something like that. (More)