October 10th, 2016
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Coverboy Andrew Justice - Peoria/Pekin

The Morning-Wood Thrust of Gay Adolescence
By Armond White
Hollywood — On one level André Téchiné’s Being 17 is his sexiest movie because of the hormonal pulse it dramatizes between two French teenagers, Thomas (Corentin Fila) and Damien (Kacey Mottet Klein), high school outsiders who bully each other to cover-up for the attraction they feel. (More)

Use Price Matching to Avoid Leaving Money on the Table
By Courtney Jespersen (AP)
Cyberspace — Kevin Brasler recalls barraging an obliging salesperson with questions about car seat safety when he was a concerned new parent. (More)

Meet The Gay Jewish German Behind The World's First Lgbti Liberation Movement
By Stefanie Gerdes
Cyberspace — ‘We’re not talking about earthy love, but about pure, real, sparkling love,’ a young doctor from Berlin, going by the name of Th. Ramien, wrote in a pamphlet called Sappho and Socrates. (More)

SNL Takes on the Vulgar Trump Tapes
By Andy Towle
Hollywood — Saturday Night Live opened its show last night by diving right in to the 2005 Trump tapes and the Republican nominee’s vulgar brags about assaulting women. (More)

“Gay Country Boys” Give A Holler From Rural Life
By Graham Gremore
Cyberspace — What exactly is a country boy? According to Urban Dictionary, he is “a guy born and raised in the country. (Usually the American South.) A true country boy has rather short hair, and no piercings. They dress in nice, clean-looking clothes, and only wear ripped jeans to work in.” (More)

Living LGBT history: I Survived The Gay Seventies
By Jesse Monteagudo
Opinion — In Joseph F. Lovett’s 2005 documentary, Gay Sex in the 70s, survivors of the 1970s reminisce about Gay life in New York City during the hectic decade between the Stonewall Uprising and the AIDS epidemic. (More)

Thirsty Fans React To Actor Stephen Amell’s Bulge-Tastic
By Staff
Hollywood — In an attempt to give fans a compelling reason to tune into Arrow’s season 5 premiere, Stephen Amell tweeted a bulge-tastic photo of his new costume. (More)