October 27th, 2016
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Coverboy Shawn Owens

Six Mind-Bending ‘Donnie Darko’ Facts on Film’s 15th Anniversary
By Meriah Doty
Hollywood — Events in genre-warping Jake Gyllenhaal movie remain a mystery to this day (More)

'Transgender People Are Not Gay, Except For The Gay Ones,'
By Staff
Philadelphia, PA — "Obviously these are components of a specialized medical course for transgender people, requiring dedicated, specialized training and unique sensitivities, especially in the way the medical community relates to transgender people," observed Dr. Leis. (More)

A Viral Texas GOP Campaign Ad
Travis County, TX — Gerald Daugherty, a Republican county commissioner in Travis County, Texas, is running for re-election. But his wife, Charlyn, is the star of his new campaign ad that’s going viral. (More)

Pentatonix Gives ‘Hallelujah’ A Viral Cappella Cover
By Sean Mandell
Hollywood — A cappella group Pentatonix have taken on Leonard Cohen’s classic “Hallelujah” in a new music video recently released. (More)

Deodorant Ad Perfectly Nails What’s Wrong With The Trans Bathroom Debate
By Dan Tracer
Cyberspace — Leave it to a deodorant company to get what so many elected officials in this country can’t quite wrap their heads around — that there is no “one way” to express gender. (More)

Turns out 'Patient Zero' Gaëtan Dugas wasn't source of HIV/AIDS outbreak
By Greg Hernandez
Cyberspace — The man known as ‘Patient Zero,’ long accused of triggering the AIDS epidemic in the US, has been exonerated. (More)

Christmas Comes Early
By Staff
Cyberspace — Christmas came early this week after nude pics allegedly belonging to former ‘America’s Next Top Model’ hunk Dustin McNeer leaked online [click here to see the NSFW picture]. (More)