<< Sep 30th, 2016 >>
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Robby Ger

London - 1st Review



New York City - New Photo

Dual Review

Allen & Mike

San Francisco - 1st Review


Derek Atlas

Las Vegas - 17th Review


Steve Stacks

San Francisco - 89th Review



New York City - 16th Review


Isaac Powers

New York City - 4th Review


September 30th, 2016

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Robby Ger - London

Robby Ger - London


Chad King - Sexuality & MS Out.com

Why My Sexuality and MS Are One and the Same

By Chad King

Cyberspace — In April 2007, at 21 years of age and on the verge of graduating from New York University, I finally gained the courage to come out as gay to my best friend, Ian. Two weeks later, my legs buckled while walking, which progressed to vertigo as I sat at my desk. Then came a constant tingling in my arms and legs, a feeling I would fall asleep and wake up with. (More)


Why The Future Of TV Isn’t TV

By Tom Goodwin |

Opinion — You can think TV is in terminal decline or that it’s watched by more people, more often, for longer than ever before and you can both be right. (More)

Stephen Costello - Singing Strauss

Tenor Stephen Costello On Singing Strauss (in Italian) With The BSO

By Robert Nesti

Broadway — About mid-way through the first act of "Der Rosenkavalier" comes one of the opera's most lyrical moments. It comes when an Italian tenor arrives in the chamber of the Marschallin, the Austrian royal around whom the action of this Richard Strauss opera spins. (More)

California Governor Signs Most Inclusive Restroom Access Law In US

By Greg Hernandez

Sacramento, CA — Single-user restrooms must be accessible with all genders by March 2017. (More)

Nico Tortorelia & Kyle Krieger TowelRoad.com

Actor Nico Tortorella and Instastud Kyle Krieger Talk About Their Relationship

By Sean Mandell

Cyberspace — Actor Nico Tortorella and hairstylist/Instastud Kyle Krieger open up about their relationship in a new episode of Tortorella’s podcast, The Love Bomb. (More)


Justin Theroux Reflects On Those Infamous ‘Leftovers’ Sweatpants Photos

By Graham Gremore

Hollywood — It was August 2014. The Leftovers was wrapping up its first season on HBO and the entire Internet was in a tizzy over Justin Theroux’s sweatpants. (More)

Byron - Artistic Bodybuilding Welder Out.com

Canadian Welder Is Burning Our Instagram Feeds

By Staff

Cyberspace — Meet Canadian welder, Byron. He describes himself as an “artistic bodybuilding welder.” (More)