December 5th, 2016
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It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Ron - Ft. Lauderdale

A Dozen Burly Bakers Want You To Take A Big Bite Out Of Their Mouth-Watering 2017 Calendar
By Staff
Cyberspace — Lick your lips and open wide, it’s time for to take a bite out of the Burly Bakers’ scrumptious 2017 calendar. (More)

Rogue BART Signage Cautions Riders Against Homophobia And Transphobia
By Erin Rook
San Francisco, CA — Public transit users are accustomed to signage reminding them to mind their manners — typically by giving up seats for pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities — or to keep an eye out for suspicious behavior, but a new flier is popping up on the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) with strong words about bigotry. (More)

Cristiano Ronaldo Proves He’s the ‘Blue Steel’ Of Real Madrid In Shirtless Team Selfie
By Andy Towle
Barcelona, Spain — Following the team’s match-up with Barcelona in El Clasico, the Real Madrid team posed for a group photo and Cristiano Ronaldo proved that even though the match was a tie he could still win the selfie game. (More)

Syringe Service Programs Are Decreasing HIV Infections, Work Still Needs to be Done
By Tucker Berardi
Altanta, GA — On Nov. 30, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a new Vital Signs report which shows an increased use of Syringe Service Programs (SSPs) -- programs that offer sterile needles and other injection equipment to reduce the risk of HIV transmission. (More)

Incredible Pictures Of People Celebrating World Aids Day Around The Globe
By Joe Morga
Cyberspace — World AIDS Day is a truly global event, all fighting to eradicate the virus and spread awareness. (More)

Eli Lieb’s Los Angeles: Singing In The Shower, Adam Lambert And Tequila
By Staff
Hollywood — Singer-songwriter Eli Lieb began his career recording covers on YouTube from his Fairfield, Iowa, hometown. Soon he was holding his own at open mic nights in New York City, then recording his own albums in Los Angeles, (More)

Fourty Photos of the Majestically Hairy Dudes of Pinups
By Christopher Harrity
Cyberspace — If you have not been acquainted with the furry delights of Pinups magazine, too bad. It’s too late. (More)