December 14th, 2016
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Coverboy Keven Leblanc - Montreal

Drumaq Discusses Online Influencers, Queer Youth, & His Debut EP
By Glenn Garner
Cyberspace — The queer artist found inspiration in Frank Ocean's coming out, and wants to pay it forward. (More)

Ally wins fight with apartment complex to keep her pride flag on display
By Jeff Taylor
San Jose, CA — When a California woman named Holly decided to hang an LGBTQ pride flag from her balcony as a show of support with the community she was told by her landlords that she had to take it down because it violated their decorations policy. (More)

Jake Gyllenhaal To Star In 'Sunday In The Park With George'
By Mark Kennedy (AP)
Broadway — Jake Gyllenhaal and Annaleigh Ashford will star in a Broadway revival of the musical "Sunday in the Park with George." (More)

Andy Cohen And Sting Play Spin The Bottle (And Andy Gets What He Wants)
By Sean Mandell
Hollywood — On Watch What Happens Live!, host Andy Cohen got exactly what he bargained for when he invited Sting and Trudie Styler to play a game of ‘Spin the Message in a Bottle.’ (More)

Billy Gilman Gets Emotional While Belting Out My Way
By Greg Hernandez
Hollywood — After hitting his last big, soaring note of the ballad My Way, an emotional Billy Gilman had to whisper the final lyrics of the Frank Sinatra classic. (More)

George Takei on Star Trek’s new Gay character: It’s how it “should have been done!”
By David Grant
Hollywood — Last summer’s Star Trek Beyond revealed Hikaru Sulu — the character originated by George Takei in the original 1966 television series — is Gay, a development that left Takei with mixed feelings. (More)

Don’t Make Vanilla Guys Bark
By Alexander Cheves
Cyberspace — There are a million ways to reveal your fetish to your playmate. Midway during sex isn’t one of them. (More)