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December 25th, 2016

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Happy Holidays!

By Daddy 12/21/2016

Las Vegas, NV — I celebrate the Yule season which are the twelve days starting on the Winter Solstice and ending twelve days later this year on January 1st. The winter solstice is a time to celebrate the return of the sun following the shortest day in the year. As the seasons move on so does the United States.

Right now we're moving thru a cusp point as the United States moves from a more liberal stance to a more conservative one. It'll be several months before we know how it will affect us. I've been giving it a lot of thought the last few weeks because of the drama that erupted from the most derisive political contests I've ever seen in my lifetime.

As I enter my annual vacation time, I have some serious decisions that I need to make about the site. If it were just me, that would be easy. However, I have to consider what the effects of a more conservative era means to my kids, both the older ones, and the younger ones.

I also need to reflect on what changes are needed to the "Escort Of The Year" With that being said, with great regret and more than a bit of anger:

There Will Be No "Escort Of The Year" For 2016.