<< Sep 14th, 2018 >>
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Josh Moore

London - 1st Review


Tyger Bhugatti

Portland - New Photo

New Review w/Photo


Los Angeles - 1st Revieww


September 14th, 2018

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Josh Moore of London

Josh Moore of London


Working on the 2nd Draft

By Daddy

Las Vegas, NV — I have a set of changes from the Cabana and one from the editors to work on for the Chapter that I'm writing. That and the coding I figured out are on the agenda for the rest of this week and the weekend.

Remember to vote in November, that's our next chance to start shifting the Government back to the middle or to the left. The Mid-Terms tend to have a light turnout; We can't afford to let this chance to set things right slip through our fingers. I haven't supported the Democrat or Republican parties in several decades so I plan to vote independent. Can you imagine the havoc a three party Congress would have on the Good Ol' Boy network?'

Thank-you for your donations! September is now covered and any more donations this month will go back into the reserves. My reserves are at the 25% level and are stable for the moment. After that I have enough for October and perhaps November. Hopefully the Flirt4free commissions will pick up by then. Any help is welcome.

Out.com Tub Shots

In Tub Shots, Queer Icons of the '80s NYC Underground Scene Take a Dip

By Alexander Kacala

Cyberspace — Daniel Cooney Fine Art is presenting a solo exhibition of Don Herron's "Tub Shots," a series of portraits of underground luminaries pictured in their bathtubs dated from 1978 to 1993. The 65 vintage black and white photographs will be on display at the Chelsea gallery September 13th to November 3rd. (More)

China Puts Off Licenses for U.S. Companies Amid Tariff Battle

By Joe McDonald

China — Amid a worsening tariff battle, China is putting off accepting license applications from American companies in financial services and other industries until Washington makes progress toward a settlement, a business group says. (More)

Flirt 4 Free - Hot September Nights

Flirt4Free Hosts 5-Day 'September Hot Nights' Contest for Models

By Stephen Yagielowicz

Westlake Village, CA — Flirt4Free has announced the launch of a five-day promotion to celebrate the of (More)

Gay Star News

More Yale Incoming Freshman Identify As LGBTI Than Conservative

By Anya Crittenton

New Haven, CN — It’s coming up on fall and that means one thing — school is officially back in session. At Yale University, they surveyed their incoming freshman and found more of them identify as LGBTI than conservative. (More)

queerty.com Jim Parson - After Big Bang Theory

Jim Parsons’ First Move After ‘Big Bang Theory’

By Dan Tracer

Hollywood — He’s had enough, apparently, turning down a massive pay offer to bid farewell to the show. Twelve years is a long time and Parsons was already the highest paid actor on television, so money wasn’t exactly driving his decision. (More)

“Atypical” Star Brigette Lundy-Paine Talks Coming Out, Playing a Queer Character

By Cameron Glover

Hollywood — Season 2 of Netflix’s Atypical, a coming-of-age dramedy focused on an autistic teen, premiered on September 7. But for star Brigette Lundy-Paine, the show is much more than just the journey of one teenager—in fact, much of Atypical’s charm comes from the community of characters it features. (More)

365 Gay Brian Keith Jackson - Brioni Campaign

Harlem Writer Is The New Face of Fashion House Brioni

By Savas Abadsidis

Harlem — When Daniel Peddle contacted Brian Keith Jackson about being considered for a new campaign with fashion house Brioni Jackson didn't think he had a shot. "I knew a great many people were being considered so I didn’t think much about it, ” says Jackson. Then about a month later he got the job. Shortly thereafter he was, being measured, then later a final fitting at the Brioni store for his bespoke wardrobe. (More)