September 17th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Matthew Jamez of Portland, Maine

Working on the 2nd Draft
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — I have a set of changes from the Cabana and one from the editors to work on for the Chapter that I'm writing.
Remember to vote in November, that's our next chance to start shifting the Government back to the middle or to the left. The Mid-Terms tend to have a light turnout; We can't afford to let this chance to set things right slip through our fingers. I haven't supported the Democrat or Republican parties in several decades so I plan to vote independent. Can you imagine the havoc a three party Congress would have on the Good Ol' Boy network?'
Thank-you for your donations! September is now covered and any more donations this month will go back into the reserves. My reserves are at the 25% level and are stable for the moment. After that I have enough for October and perhaps November. Hopefully the Flirt4free commissions will pick up by then. Any help is welcome.

Twelve Of The Best Gay Films You Missed In 2017
By Armond White
Hollywood — Tom of Finland is Dome Karukoski’s instant-classic bio-pic about the icon of gay erotica (played by Pekka Strang) who made graphic reality of his sexual desire and permanently imprinted the imagination of gay men everywhere. (More)

Cambridge's Paradise To Close on September 16
By Staff
Cambridge, MA — Paradise, the long-standing LGBTQ nightclub in Cambridge, closes its doors next week, it was reported in Bay Windows. (More)

Hit LGBTQ Web Series ‘EastSiders’ Kicks Off Crowdfunding Final Season with $30k Pledged In First Day
By Bobby Hankinson
Cyberspace — After three successful seasons, it’s time to say goodbye to EastSiders, the hit LGBTQ web series created by out actor Kit Williamson (Mad Men) and his husband John Halbach. The series launched a Kickstarter campaign to crowdfund its fourth and final season earlier this week and has already seen more than a third of its proposed $100,000 budget pledged. (More)

Colton Haynes would like to see this gay actor as the next Superman
By Stefaniai Sarubba
Hollywood — Actor Colton Haynes has joined the conversation about the recast of Superman. While Henry Cavill might be hanging up his cape for good, the debate over who is going to be the next Clark Kent has started on social media. (More)

Hot Go-Go Boy From “Trick” Still Looks Sexy Shirtless in Sequel
By Brandon Voss
Hollywood — Filmmaker Jim Fall announced this summer on Facebook that he was working on a follow-up to Trick, the 1999 gay rom-com starring Christian Campbell, J.P. Pitoc, and Tori Spelling, who have all returned for the sequel. (More)

20-year-old Wonders If He’s “Abnormal” For Being Attracted To 30-Year-Olds
By Graham Gremore
Cyberspace — A blossoming homosexual man has come to a starting realization about himself, so he’s reaching out to internet advice columnist Dear Ellie for clarity. “I’m 20 and I like men in their mid or late 20s to early 30s,” his letter states. “Is this OK or normal?” (More)

60 Photos of Classically Inspired Nude Men
By Steven Menendez Photography
New York City, NY — Steven Menendez is a fine art, portrait, and fashion photographer based in New York. He has always had an attraction to the classics in black-and-white photography and wishes to create images that celebrate the glory of the human physique, showing both its strength and its delicacy. (More)