October 8th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Josh of Fort Lauderdale

Hopefully We'll Finish The Lease
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — They've thrown out most of the addendums that I objected to. Their lease termination fees are ridiculously high but nothing I can do about that. It does make me wonder where the country is headed when what used to be two page leases is now multiple dozens of pages. It's kind of sad.
Less than a month until the Midterm Elections. If you don't like the events of the last few days, this is your chance to give America the course correction that it needs. I'm expecting my sample ballot arrive in the next day or so. I'm not voting by party, I'll voting by the person and their past performance. We need to strongly support the changes we need in our government.
Thank-you for your donations! We will get a commission for October but it will be only a couple hundred. My reserves are at the 25% level and will be dropping significantly. Hopefully the Flirt4free commissions will pick up in November. Any help is welcome.

The Apocalypse Looks Pretty Fun In the First Trailer for Amazon's Good Omens
By Rose Dommu
Hollywood — The end of the world is so hot right now, but it's always such a drag, even on American Horror Story. But on Amazon's Good Omens, an adaptation of the beloved novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, the apocalypse may be funnier than any of us anticipated. Michael Sheen and David Tennant play Aziraphale and Crowley, an angel and demon hoping to stop a biblical Armageddon so they can continue enjoying the earthly comforts they've become accustomed to over the past 6,000 years. (More)

Kavanaugh confirmation likely to prompt shift to state courts
By Lisa Keen
Washington, DC — A new era in the U.S. Supreme Court’s history began Saturday afternoon, October 6, when the U.S. Senate voted 50 to 48 to confirm the nomination of a federal judge who is expected to provide a fifth and majority vote against equal rights for LGBT people. (More)

Trump Refugee Policy Leaves Thousands Stranded Outside U.S.
By Susannah George and Colleen Long (AP)
Nebraska — Death threats drove Hadi Mohammed out of Iraq and to a small apartment in Nebraska, where he and his two young sons managed to settle as refugees. But the danger hasn't been enough to allow his wife to join them. (More)

Here's how LGBTI lawmakers are reacting to the Kavanaugh confirmation
By Rafaella Gunz
Washington, DC — Here’s what LGBTI lawmakers in the United States are saying about Kavanaugh’s confirmation. (More)

This Gay Couple’s Audition for ‘The Voice’ Brought Kelly Clarkson to Tears
By Andy Towle
Hollywood — Adam and Jerome, a singing duo called OneUp, first wowed judges Adam Levine, Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson, and Blake Shelton on The Voice with their performance of the Spinners’ “Could It Be I’m Falling in Love”, and then shocked them by revealing that they’re a real life couple who fell in love after forming their duo. (More)

The “Distracted Boyfriend” Meme Just Got A Super Gay Twist
By Dan Clarendon
Cyberspace — The Distracted Boyfriend meme is so 2017. (And besides, a Swedish court found it sexist anyway.) Happily, there’s a homoerotic version that’s even funnier. Meet Distracted Groom. (More)

KINK HAÜS Is a Sex-Charged Journey Through Self-Discovery
By David Artavia
New York City, NY — Renowned Philadelphia-based performance artist, Gunnar Montana, is making his New York City debut with KINK HAÜS, an eye-opening tale about the search for one’s true identity, and the ongoing demand for freedom and self-love. (More)