October 9th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Alex Wall of Miami

Light At The End Of The Tunnel
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — We're down to one addendum that the manager is running past their lawyer. They want me to sign a "Photo, Video, and Statement Release" addendum. I'm not willing to give them blanket permission to any of the three items. My privacy is important to me.
Less than a month until the Midterm Elections. If you don't like the events of the last few days, this is your chance to give America the course correction that it needs. I'm expecting my sample ballot arrive in the next day or so. I'm not voting by party, I'll voting by the person and looking at their past performance. We need to strongly support the changes we need in our government, is the LGBTQ community is to retain the hard fought rights that we've achieved.
Thank-you for your donations! We will get a commission for October but it will be only a couple hundred. My reserves are at the 25% level and will be dropping significantly next week. Hopefully the Flirt4free commissions will pick up in November. Any help is welcome.

Bobby Berk Teams Up with Airbnb Plus
By Zachary Zane
Cyberspace — Well, being the hard working man Bobby is, he’s teamed up with AirBnB Plus to teach folks opening their house to others how to make their apartment appear bigger and homier. (More)

Voting is HIV Advocacy: How to Get Involved
By Staff
United States — During this 115th United States Congress, HIV advocates have repeatedly stepped up to the plate and engaged in passionate, powerful actions to ensure the rights of people living with, affected by, and vulnerable to HIV are protected. (More)

Crush Confession Compels ‘Big Brother’ Contestant to Come Out as Gay
By Staff
BBC — Cameron Cole, an 18-year-old houseguest on Big Brother UK, came out as gay on national TV after another houseguest, Cian Carrigan, confessed he had a crush on him. The admission made Cameron uncomfortable and compelled him to come out. (More)

17 of the most magical pictures of Gay Days Disneyland 2018
By Stefania Sarrubba
Anaheim, CA — Disneyland Anaheim is celebrating the LGBTI community this weekend with the annual Gay Days. The most popular among the LGBTI festivities at various theme parks around the world, Gay Days Anaheim has turned 21 this year. (More)

Ethan Peck as Spock in 'Star Trek: Discovery'
By Staff
Hollywood — Here's your first look at Ethan Peck all decked out as Spock in the upcoming season of Star Trek: Discovery! (More)

I Love Being The Object Of DILF Desires Except When Things Gets A Little Weird
By David Toussaint
Cyberspace — The Twink and I were in the middle of an intense session when he asked if I’d role-play. I replied, Sure! which prompted him to ask me to play his dad. (More)

16 Shots of Alex Showing Off His Moves
By Verner Degray
Cyberspace — Verner Degray sends us another test shoot — this time with Alex, who likes to show off his fighting skills. Verner tells us that his model Alex was completely at ease, stripping down and warming his bare flesh in the sun. He was delighted to show off his martial arts postures. (More)