October 25th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Sam Choudhury of Manchester, England

Figured Out Why I've Been Under The Weather
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — The problem is that I have an abscess in a delicate area. So life will be on hold for a few days while I get it under control. Still sleeping lots, but getting small amounts of work done in between naps.
Looking for photos from the 80s that don't have copyright issues. Most of my favorite haunts have disappeared over the decades.
Twelve days until the Midterm Elections. I've been looking at the candidates and the measures on my sample ballot. One of the things I'm taking into account is the negative ads that I'm seeing. If you're spending more time smearing than talking about what you're all about, I'm really not interested. I'm not voting by party, I'll voting by the person. We need to strongly support the changes we need in our government, if the LGBTQ community is to retain the hard fought rights that we've achieved over the decades.
Thank-you for your donations! We will get a commission for October but it will be only a couple hundred dollars. My reserves are at the 25% level and will be dropping next week. The current projection is that I'll be $500 short for November. Hopefully the Flirt4free commissions will pick up in November. Any help is welcome.

Billy Dean Thomas, Self-Styled 'Queer B.I.G.', Brings 'American Gothic' to Oberon
By Staff
Cambridge, MA — American Repertory Theater (A.R.T.) at Harvard University, under the leadership of Terrie and Bradley Bloom Artistic Director Diane Paulus and Executive Producer Diane Borger, is pleased to announce the next offering in the Live @ OBERON series: "Billy Dean Thomas' American Gothic!," at OBERON (2 Arrow Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts) on Friday, November 2 at 10PM (doors at 9:30PM). (More)

South Carolina Convenience Store Sold $1.537 Billion Ticket
By Jeffrey Collins (AP)
Greensville, SC — A flimsy little piece of paper that crossed the counter of a convenience store on a country road in South Carolina is now worth $1.537 billion, so lottery officials could hardly be blamed Wednesday if anxiety tinged their excitement. (More)

‘Arrow’ Reveals That a Major Character is Gay
By Staff
Hollywood — In an intimate conversation on last night’s episode of CW’s Arrow, there was a subtle surprise reveal when a major character was revealed to be gay. (More)

Lesbian Kicked Out Of Bowling Alley Because She Used The Women's Restroom
By Shannon Power
Australia — A queer couple’s date night ended horribly after a security guard tried to kick one of them out because she used the women’s restroom. (More)

“Like Honey On Cake”: A Bear Named Troy drops new single THICCK
By David Reddish
Cyberspace — Troy provides new level of of glory, posing semi-naked. He also doesn’t shy away from his own flamboyance, sporting long, hot pink nails and rhinestone-studded sunglasses that are to die for. (More)

œ Nominates Gay Man To Ninth Circuit Appeals Court
By Lisa Keen
Washington, DC — President Trump this month named an openly gay attorney from San Diego, Patrick J. Bumatay, to serve on the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. (More)

111 Photos of Island Beauty at Honolulu Pride
By Kelli
Honolulu, HI — With thousands of participants, and thousands of spectators, it seemed like everyone on the island was celebrating Pride. (More)