November 27th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Alex Standall of Houston

The Kiss of Death...
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — While I was updating the system, I had a chance to do some analysis of what's been going on. It became more apparent when I looked at the traffic statistics. Overall the traffic is down by about 20% and I had to zoom out to the year level to see when it happened. The nose dive began in April.
The only significant event was that's when SESTA/FOSTA was passed. With all of the FUD and mixing of the terms between the two bills, it scared a lot of people. After seven months, it's the straw that's breaking the camel's back.
I did a lot of work to comply with that bill; But it would appear that 20% of the users didn't get that particular memo. I plan to soldier on as long as I can, however it's becoming harder month by month. Normally the holiday slowdown starts in December, this year it started in November.
Thank-you for your donations! My reserves are at the 19% level and I received enough donations to pay most of the November bills but will probably need to dip into the reserves a bit to make it into December. At this time I have less than a months reserves left. Any help is appreciated.

Walking Dead Actor Opens Up About Show’s Lack of Representation
By Glenn Garner
TV Land — Some fans of The Walking Dead were recently saddened over the loss of one of the show’s characters. Although, many might not have even realized the fan favorite Jesus (Tom Payne) was gay. (More)

After Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Airs 1st Gay Kiss, Conservatives Freak Out
By Staff
New York City, NY — The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade featured the first televised same-sex kiss Thursday, thanks to Broadway's new musical "The Prom," which featured two women locking lips at the event aired on NBC last week. But conservative viewers were upset over the broadcast and Twitter users reacted to their grievances. (More)

This Couple Fell in Love at First Sight
By Andy Towle
Cyberspace — Mark and Rey fell in love at first sight after following each other on Twitter and Instagram, and the personal trainer and actor talk about what it takes to maintain a healthy long-term relationship in a new clip from Into’s ‘Queer Love’ series. (More)

guys Recount The Funniest Things That Have Happened To Them During Sex
By Dan Clarendon
Cyberespace — Mid-hookup mishaps and misadventures aren’t just the stuff of puerile comedy movies. Plenty of dudes have had their sexy times go sideways in hilarious ways, as revealed on a Reddit thread titled “What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you while having sex?” (More)

Gay student comes out to Catholic school during packed assembly
By Anya Crittenton
Sydney, Australia — An Australian student came out to his Catholic school during an assembly packed full of his classmates and teachers. (More)

White Supremacists Are Ringing Bells For The Salvation Army In Indiana
By Bil Browning
Indiana — Northern Indiana residents reacted with outrage after white supremacists were photographed ringing the evangelical church charity’s iconic red kettles outside of a local Walmart. (More)

Murphy Brown's Gay Indian-American Unicorn
By Daniel Reynolds
TV Land — “And then from there, I was just out,” said the 24-year-old actor who was cast this year as Pat, a series regular on CBS’s Murphy Brown revival. (More)