November 28th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Eliran of San Francisco

Adapt or Perish...
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — Yesterday I told you that traffic is down about 20% and my theory of what is happening. It's time to start doing what I've wanted to do since I took over the website.
If you look on the very first page it says: "Dedicated to reviews of interest to Mature Gay Gentlemen." I fit in that category, and all my life I've had problems finding good places to visit. When I first started out, being Gay was illegal in every single state and territory in the United States.
Now that I'm an old and slow moving Gay man, I find that I still want to go visiting. But most of all I need to know that I'll be safe and comfortable. That's where you come in. I reviews on places to go. The resorts in Palm Springs. The infamous P-Town, The exciting Florida Keys. Your favorite Website.
I know that the submit form is more oriented to our favorite hobby but just make it work for now and know that my plans are to have three types of reviews (or more if we need them) Escorts, Venues, and Websites. If we can start building a library of these types of reviews then hopefully I can start attracting the LGBTQ advertising that is needed.
Thank-you for your donations! My reserves are at the 19% level and I received enough donations to pay most of the November bills but will probably need to dip into the reserves a bit to make it into December. At this time I have less than a months reserves left. Any help is appreciated.

How I Came Out as Bi — After Coming Out as Gay
By Glenn Garner
Cyberspace — Her name was Taylor, and she wasn’t afraid of PDA. When we weren’t dancing, we were making out. She even brought me into the bathroom while she peed… and there were no stalls. But when I decided to officially ask her out, her response was perplexing to say the least. “But Glenn… you’re Gay.” (More)

Alec Baldwin's Lawyer: Video Will Clear Him in Parking Clash
By Jennifer Peltz (AP)
New York City, NY — Video will vindicate Alec Baldwin after he was accused of slugging a man in the face in over a parking space, the actor's lawyer said Monday. (More)

Gay Man Refused Justice After Torture In Chechnya Concentration Camp
By Joe Morgan
Chechnya — A Gay man is speaking out after suffering torture in a Chechnya concentration camp. Maxim Lapunov was one of the first victims of the ‘gay purge‘ in March 2017. (More)

‘Michael And Michael Are Gay’ and Ready for a Few More Sexcapades
By Staff
Cyberspace — Michael and Michael Are Gay, the web series by real-life married couple Michael Feldman and Michael Rachlis that throws back the curtain on open relationships, is about to be back (December 4) with brand new episodes and just dropped a preview for the new installments. (More)

Taron Egerton Talks First Gay Sex Scene With This “Well-known Man”
By David Grant
Hollywood — Taron Egerton may not be Gay, but he has definitely been getting down with another gorgeous man lately. For art, folks. (More)

Gay Man's Viral Tweet About His Ex-Jehovah Parents Finally Accepting Him Is Tearjerking
By Becca Down
Cyberspace — A Gay man, Azya Babula, tweeted out a video on Friday about how his parents, ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, had finally come to accept his sexuality. The tweet has since gone viral, garnering over 400,000 “likes” and over 50,000 re-tweets. (More)

The Gay “Reveal” in the Oscar-Bound “Green Book,” A Gripping 1960s “Love Story”
By Michael Musto
Hollywood — One of the best films of the year, Peter Farrelly’s Green Book tells the true story of “Doc” Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali), a cultured jazz pianist who hired an Italian-American bouncer named Tony Lip (Viggo Mortensen) to drive and help manage him on a 1960s tour of the Deep South, where racism was even more rampant than now. As the two take opposing approaches to battling bigotry—Lip likes to either beat people up, threaten them, or bribe them, while Shirley responds in a more measured fashion—homosexuality also surfaces and ends up having repercussions. Spoilers to come! (More)