January 16th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Hunter Bronson of Washington D.C.

Slept The Day Away
By Daddy
Las Vegas — The NyQuil I took last night did its job too well, I slept the day away, so I'm coasting today. Stuffy nose mostly gone and the pain in my jaw is mostly gone. Net result is I didn't get anything done but I'm feeling much better. Hopefully that's not the drugs speaking.
We've just enough reviews to be officially restart the reviews.
To all those that donated last month, Thank you! I've a good start on the January bills. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Vans Just Released Sneakers Perfect For Bisexuals
By Mikelle Street
California (South) — The new “I Heart” Vans sneakers come in three styles and are available for purchase right now. One pair is a high top, while the other two are low. But of the options, two pairs of the sneakers proclaim “I [heart] Boys” and “I [heart] Girls.” The third pair just says “Boys” on the heel of one and “Girls" on the heel of the other. (More)

'Mean Ghouls' Take Over Harvard's Hasty Pudding Show
By Staff
Massachusetts — The Harvard Hasty Pudding Theatricals announces its 172nd show, "Mean Ghouls," which runs from February 7 to March 8, 2020 at Harvard Square's Historic Farkas Hall. This year's show marks the latest for The Hasty Pudding Theatricals (HPT), America's oldest theater company and the third oldest theater company in the world. (More)

“The Politician” Star Ryan J. Haddad Grew Up Wanting To Be Fabulous
By Brandon Voss
Hollywood — From the ages of 5 to 13, Haddad was artistic director of his family theater troupe in Ohio, the Haddad Theater, which began in his living room and backyard but relocated to the local community center, forcing his relatives to act out lovingly bastardized classics. Haddad, now 28 and stealing scenes in Netflix’s The Politician, looks back at these early amateur efforts in his new showtune-sprinkled cabaret show, Falling for Make Believe. (More)

Nancy Pelosi Names 7 Impeachment Managers As House Prepares To Transmit Articles To Senate
By Andy Towle
Washington D.C. — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi named Reps. Adam Schiff (CA), Jerry Nadler (NY), Zoe Lofgren (CA), Hakeem Jeffries (NY), Val Demings (FL), Jason Crow (CO), Sylvia Garcia (TX) as managers of the impeachment trial in the Senate. The House is expected to vote to transmit the articles of impeachment to the Senate for a trial later on Wednesday. (More)

Gay Ex-Senator Behind NJ's 'Bridgegate' Makes Case To Supreme Court
By David Artavia
New Jersey — In 2013 ex-New Jersey aides Bridget Kelly and Bill Baroni were charged for their connection in the closure of access lanes from Fort Lee, N.J., to the George Washington Bridge, the busiest bridge in the world with 13 lanes. (More)

Appeals Panel Rules For Servicemembers With HIV
By Lisa Keen
Washington D.C. — A three-judge panel of the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on January 10 unanimously upheld a national injunction to stop the U.S. Air Force from discharging service members just because they have HIV infection. (More)

NakedSword’s ‘Gay Simple Life’ With Moore, Banks Available Now
By Betty Knowles
San Francisco — This one-of-a-kind feature, shot on location in Tulsa, Okla., and stars Falcon exclusive Josh Moore along with Calvin Banks. The first episode is now playing exclusively on the Netflix of Gay Porn, NakedSword.com. (More)