January 21st, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Cooper Montgomery of Columbus

Working On Updating The Second Set Of Screens
By Daddy
Las Vegas — I've started work on the second set of screens. The wizard has fifteen "views" that I'm rearranging and changing over to Bootstrap 4. Not hard work just lots of details to check to see if they're working (and maybe a few enhancements.) I'm mostly recovered from the congestion just moving slow.
My excuse is of course that today is Martin Luther King day who I remember vividly. I was seven years old when I heard the "I have a dream speech." Tomorrow of course, is the start of the circus in DC and I've made sure that I have plenty of popcorn."
To all those that have donated, Thank you! I've a good start on the January bills. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Fyre Festival’s Blowjob Guy Is Now A Face Of Evian Water
By Mikelle Street
Cyberspace — We met Andy King as a part of the fiasco that was the Fyre Festival. You may remember that was the Instagram influencer-fronted music festival that famously failed. It did so poorly that there were two documentaries created delving into the whole fiasco. One of those films was FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened on Netflix and in that, Andy King, an event producer quickly became a star, if for no other reason than being willing to suck dick for $175,000 worth of water. (More)

Prince Harry: 'No Other Option' But To Cut Royal Ties
By Associated Press
London — Prince Harry said Sunday that he felt "great sadness" but found "no other option" to cutting almost all of his and his wife Meghan's royal ties in the hopes of achieving a more peaceful life. (More)

Arrest Warrant Issued After NFL Player Slaps Male Officer’s Butt
By Brandon Voss
New Orleans — New Orleans police issued a simple battery arrest warrant for Odell Beckham Jr. this week after he slapped a police officer on the buttocks (More)

Witter Reacts To Dershowitz, Starr Joining Trump’s Legal Team
By John Wright
Washington D.C. — President Donald Trump’s defense team for his Senate impeachment trial will include Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, and former U.S. special counsel Kenneth Starr (More)

Jake Borelli And Niko Terho Make Sparks Fly
By Tracy E. Gilchrist
Hollywood — For any queer person who’s ever felt excluded from holiday love stories, Freeform is about to change that with The Thing About Harry, a gay-themed Valentine’s Day romance directed by Good Trouble and The Fosters creator Peter Paige, set to premiere on the network in February. (More)

The HIV “bug Chaser” Who Changed His Mind
By Staff
Cyberspace — The gay men online who get off on seeking HIV infection (“bug chasers”) aren’t exactly known for their thoughtful introspection. After all, they are eroticizing something that works exactly once — and has life-long consequences. (More)

Interview With Armond Rizzo
By Staff
Cyberspace — It was arguably the most memorable and touching moment of last year’s GayVN Awards: Armond Rizzo in shock—and tears—on stage accepting the award for Best Duo Sex Scene with Max Konnor for their Noir Male pairing. (More)