July 10th, 2017
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Parker Allen of Chicago

We have our first "Opt-In!"
By Daddy 07/10/2017
Las Vegas, NV — We have our very first "Opt-In" tonight. A shoutout goes to Wolfgang of Washington, DC. Now will someone go show him what Frot is? He'd prefer it in the bath because he thinks is sounds dirty.
The donations I was looking forward to, have arrived. The rent is paid and I'm good for July/August
Any donations are gratefully accepted! The donation page has been updated so that those that are allergic to stamps have some electronic options: donation page. Have I left off one of your favorites? Let me know and I'll check it out.
Wonderful weekend of coding. Three major fixes that were slowing me down.
Big Old Hug and a Kiss,