July 20th, 2017
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy John Bedford of Washington, DC

Daddy's Busy Coding...
By Daddy 07/20/2017
Las Vegas, NV — Daddy worked ahead this week and finished the reviews for this week early. He's off smashing bugs in the production pages.
Any donations are gratefully accepted: donation page. Reminder: If you have a message-forum handle be sure to let me know.
Big Old Hug and a Kiss,

Gay Couple Grilled By Judge About Their Sex Lives For Four Hours
By Derek de Koff
Bavaria — A German judge in Bavaria grilled a gay couple about their sex lives for roughly four hours as they tried fighting their encroaching deportation. (More)

The Gay of Thrones recap is just as sassy as you'd hoped
By Bil Browning
Cyberspace — Game of Thrones is back on HBO and you know what that means? It's time for the "Gay of Thrones" recap from Funny or Die. (More)

O.J.'s Cell Masturbation Episode Could Derail Hopes of Freedom
By Staff
Nevada — A prison source says that Simpson, 70, could be denied parole for a violation that reportedly happened last month. The Heisman Trophy Award-winner and star of the "Naked Gun" movies was allegedly caught with his own "naked gun" in hand, masturbating in his cell - a violation in federal prisons. (More)

The London Tube Is Going to Stop Addressing Passengers As 'Ladies and Gentlemen'
By Luis Damian Veron
London — The governing body that oversees the London Underground rail system, familiarly called "The Tube," has issued a new directive in a move for inclusive, gender-neutral language, suggesting that the formal "ladies and Gentlemen" address be avoided by its staff. (More)

Here's What You Missed at San Diego Pride
By Staff
San Diego — Patrik Gallineaux, the National LGBT Ambassador & Manager for Stoli Vodka, received the first ever "Rainbow Key to the City of San Diego," an all-new award reserved for an outstanding individual who has made significant contributions to the advancement of LGBT equality. (More)

All schools in Scotland will soon have gender-neutral bathrooms
By Joe Morgan
Scottland — The Scottish Government have planned to introduce gender-neutral bathrooms in schools. Outlined in the guidance setting out the minimum standards for school buildings, the lavatories will be a requisite to protect trans and non-binary students. (More)

Out Football Players
By Staff
Cyberspace — Scott Frantz came out to the nation as Gay last week, he shared that his teammates, to whom he'd come out earlier, had warmly received the news, a sign the most alpha of locker rooms may finally be ready for equality. (More)