July 26th, 2017
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Dario Owen of Barcelona

Still a bit under the weather
By Daddy 07/20/2017
Las Vegas, NV — Doing better today but still moving slow. No symptoms other than sleeping about 2-3 hours extra. Good news, is that I'm able to keep up with the days production however I'm looking forward to the downtime this weekend.
July's bills paid and August rent too. Thank-you to all! Any donations are gratefully accepted: donation page. Reminder: If you have a message-forum handle be sure to let me know.
Big Old Hug and a Kiss,

Workouts of the Ripped & InstaFamous
By Les Fabian Brathwaite
Cyberspace — Aside from giving you endless fodder for your digital spank bank, Instagram's hottest thirst traps also have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to working out. (More)

Pence breaks tie as Senate votes to proceed with efforts to repeal Obamacare<
By Associated Press
Washington, DC — The Senate has voted to move ahead on health care legislation aimed at dismantling the Obama health law. (More)

Stephen Colbert Hoped Tyler the Creator Would Talk About Coming Out as Gay, But Only Got a Butt Grab
By Andy Towle
TVLand — Much of the talk leading up to the release of star rapper Tyler the Creator's new album Flower Boy has been that he appears to come out as gay in the album's lyrics. But unlike his friend Frank Ocean, who clarified his own coming out in follow-up interviews, Tyler has so far left the world speculating if he's actually coming out, or just gay-baiting. (More)

Over 6,000 People Tell President Trump That Trans Elders Count
By Staff
Washington, DC — A bipartisan group of 75 members of the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday told the Trump administration that it cannot erase transgender elders from a national survey that allocates billions of dollars to vital elder services. (More)

Texas law enforcement takes opposition stance to state bathroom bill
By Anya Crittenton
Austin, TX — Police chiefs from three of the state's largest cities "San Antonio, Houston, and Austin" spoke out against the bill on the steps of the Texas Capitol in Austin on Tuesday. Senate Bill 3, which legally requires people to use the public restroom corresponding to their biological sex, is supported by Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. (More)

16,899 Condomless Sex Acts, Zero HIV Transmissions in Mixed-Status Couples
By Daniel Reynolds
Paris — A new study, Opposites Attract, found zero cases of HIV transmission within male couples in which one partner is HIV-negative and the other is HIV-positive and "undetectable" — meaning antiretroviral treatment has suppressed the virus in the body (More)

The internet is swooning over a pic of young Stephen Colbert.
By Derek de Koff
Cyberspace — Even on Strangers with Candy, Stephen Colbert's public persona erred on the side of the debonair — winkingly conservative, but always well-maintained. (More)