July 13th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Brian of Los Angeles

Spending Time Working On My Writing
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — The database maintenance is about 98% done and the rest are consistency type of problems. I'm going to take it easy the next few days and work on my writing task.
Remember to vote in November, that's our next chance to start shifting the Government back to the middle or to the left. I haven't supported the Democrats or the Republicans in several decades.
My income for the site is down to the lowest level that it's been over the last decade. Once again I'd like to thank you for your generous donations. My reserves are at the 54% level and declining. Any help is welcome.

Olympic Gymnast Arthur Mariano’s Pictures Leaked
By Warren Fields
Cyberspace — Did you watch the 2016 Summer Olympics? If not, you missed a great event. Sports have always been a great pastime on Earth. From even before ancient Greek times to the modern day era, people have loved watching athletes in peak condition putting their all into their respective sport. (More)

Producers Plan Movie About Thai Cave Rescue
By Jake Coyle (AP)
Thailand — The boys are out of the cave. Now Hollywood wants in. The producers behind Christian films like "God's Not Dead" are already in Thailand with plans to develop a movie about the 18-day saga of the soccer team trapped in a flooded cave. (More)

Horror Fellatio Put A Guy In The ER, Now He's Broken The Internet
By Shannon Power
Chicago, IL — The story of a 19-year-old who ruptured his airway giving fellatio to a Grindr hookup has broken the internet. (More)

Joaquin Phoenix is Playing the Joker for Some Reason
By Rose Dommu
Hollywood — Despite the fact that there is already a Joker movie starring Jared Leto in development, there's now another movie about the Batman villain in the works. Joaquin Phoenix has closed a deal to play the notorious DC baddie in a film that exists separately from the current canon of DC adaptations, meaning it's not at all tied to Suicide Squad. (More)

Imagine Dragons Frontman Dan Reynolds Posts About Health But Fans Are Focused Elsewhere
By David Grant
Salt Lake City, UT — The straight-identifying frontman of Imagine Dragons has committed to helping queer Mormons find self-acceptance in a world that’s taught them they are defective. (More)

Kavanaugh: A ‘Yank’ To The ‘Extreme Right’
By Lisa Keen
Washington, DC — President Trump on Monday night nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court a judge who has no known LGBT-related decisions in his 12 years on the federal appeals court. But LGBT activists feel certain that Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be no Justice Anthony Kennedy. (More)

Mike Wants to Draw You Naked
By Christopher Harrity
Cyberspace — We were dazzled by Mike Ocasio's skills and gorgeous saturated color. So we were delighted he allowed us to share some of his work. (More)