July 26th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Shawn Monroe of Oklahoma City

It's Bug Stomping Time!
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — It's be time to go bug smashing. My bug list is up to 2 dozen items and I plan to spend a few days mowing them to a reasonable level.
Remember to vote in November, that's our next chance to start shifting the Government back to the middle or to the left. I haven't supported the Democrats or the Republicans in several decades. This current administration has cause me a ton of work.
My income for the site is down to the lowest level that it's been over the last decade. Once again I'd like to thank you for your generous donations. My reserves are at the 37% level and declining. Any help is welcome.

Kevin and Moose Will Date in Season 3 of Riverdale But It’s “Complicated”
By Zachary Zane
Hollywood — Anyone who’s from a small, rural town can empathize with Kevin Keller on Riverdale. The high school senior is the only openly gay man at his school, in a town where there seems to be zero other gay men. (More)

Who's Feeling Tiki? Four Exotic Cocktail Lounges Shakin' It Up
By April Stamm
Cyberspace — There's no better time than sweltering summer to imbibe in a Polynesian-inspired cocktail. Fortunately, there are a few hotspots around the country that are shaking up exotic libations. Here are four bars that are re-visiting the classics and also putting unique spins on new creations. (More)

New Rock Opera from ‘Hedwig’ Creator, ‘This Ain’t No Disco’ Is Right About That
By Naveen Kumar
Broadway — It’s tough to discern what story the creators of This Ain’t No Disco, a rock opera that opened off-Broadway tonight, aim to tell about the famed nightclub. (More)

Gay 'Bottoms' More Likely To Have Older Brothers, According To Science
By Joe Morgan
Cyberspace — You may have heard the sexuality theory that gay men are more likely to have older brothers. And unlike other theories, like finger length or if your hair grows counter-clockwise, scientists give this one some credibility. (More)

Tom Daley reacts to his very nude portrait
By David Grant
Los Angeles, CA — David Hockney is known the world over for his dreamy paintings, often featuring saturated, bright color palettes. And now he’ll also be known for a fairly drab, black & white (& brown) nude portrait of Tom Daley, who modeled for the artist last August. (More)

StraightBoyz Operator Pleads Not Guilty Over 5 Federal Charges
By Rhett Pardon
Miami, FL — At an arraignment and detention status hearing today, the operator of defunct adult website StraightBoyz entered not guilty pleas over five federal charges, including three counts of violating 18 U.S.C. § 2257, the record-keeping statute for adult producers. (More)

LGBT Activist David Mixner Will Not Be Put Out to Pasture
By David Artavia
Washington, DC — After 50 years of fighting against corruption, racism, homophobia, and bigotry, activist David Mixner continues to shape D.C. politics and educate queer youth on the importance of remaining in the fight. (More)