July 30th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy JT Torretto of New York City

It's Bug Stomping Time!
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — It's time to go bug smashing. My bug list is up to 2 dozen items and I plan to spend a few days mowing them to a reasonable level.
Remember to vote in November, that's our next chance to start shifting the Government back to the middle or to the left. I haven't supported the Democrats or the Republicans in several decades. This current administration has cause me a ton of work.
My income for the site is down to the lowest level that it's been over the last decade. Once again I'd like to thank you for your generous donations. My reserves are at the 37% level and declining. Any help is welcome.

The World’s Oldest Male Strip Club And Live Gay Porn Performance Theater Is Closing
By Zachary Zane
San Francico, CA — Located in the heart of San Francisco, the world’s oldest male strip club and live gay porn performance theater will be shutting its doors on August 19. (More)

Man Arrested for Exercising Naked at Public Gym
By Associated Press
Plaistow, MA — A man who stripped naked before working out at a New Hampshire gym told police officers that he thought he was in a "Judgement Free Zone," before being arrested. (More)

Air Force Defensive Back Bradley Kim Is First Service Academy Football Player To Come Out As Gay
By Andy Towle
Cyberspace — Air Force defensive back Bradley Kim made history on Friday when he came out as Gay, the first active football player in the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines to do so. (More)

Trans Women Claim The Us State Department Is Retroactively Revoking Their Passports
By Rafaell Gunz
Washington, DC — Two transgender women recently had a difficult time renewing their passports. Danni Askini is one such woman. Askini began transitioning in 1998, at age 16. Since 1999, all of her official documents, including her passport, have listed ‘female’ as her sex. (More)

Teen’s Parents Threw Him To The Curb For Being Gay, But Just Look At Him Now
By Malcolm Rhodes
Jacksonville, FL — Seth Own is an 18-year-old from Jacksonville, Florida who has had one hell of a year. After his dad snooped through his phone and discovered Seth is gay, he was thrown out of the house by his zealous parents. (More)

Former Navy Secretary: Trans Military Ban 'Dumbest' Policy Ever
By Trudy Ring
Washington, DC — Ray Mabius made the remark on the one-year anniversary of Donald Trump's announcement of the ban. (More)

Omar Sharif Jr. Calls Out Trump
By David Artavia
Amsterdam — The actor/activist didn't hold back during the opening ceremony at the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam. (More)