July 27th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Carlo Aleman of Buenos Aires

It's Bug Stomping Time!
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — It's time to go bug smashing. My bug list is up to 2 dozen items and I plan to spend a few days mowing them to a reasonable level.
Remember to vote in November, that's our next chance to start shifting the Government back to the middle or to the left. I haven't supported the Democrats or the Republicans in several decades. This current administration has cause me a ton of work.
My income for the site is down to the lowest level that it's been over the last decade. Once again I'd like to thank you for your generous donations. My reserves are at the 37% level and declining. Any help is welcome.

Guys in Nice Satin: Taking Briefs, Tanks, and Thongs to Another Level
By Staff
Cyberspace — When it comes to sexy bedroom attire, our dirty minds often wander to leather, jockstraps, or good old-fashioned Calvin Kleins. But if you really want to shake things up in the boudoir — or just experience the thrill of knowing you’re rocking something risqué under that staid plaid suit — why not consider something daring and super comfy? (More)

Judge's Ruling Supports Oregon School's Transgender Policy
By Andrew Selsky (AP)
Dallas, OR — A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against an Oregon school district's policy that allows transgender students to use locker rooms and bathrooms of the gender they identify with instead of their birth sex. (More)

Stephen Colbert Leaks the Video That Goes with the Trump-Cohen Secret Recording
By Andy Towle
Hollywood — We can finally see what was happening in the room (above) at the time Michael Cohen made the secret recording of his conversation with Donald Trump, thanks to Stephen Colbert, and, there are not so many surprises. (More)

Science Trumps HIV Stigma: ‘When We Are Undetectable We Can’t Pass The Virus On’
By Matthew Hodson
Cyberspace — Matthew Hodson of aidsmap welcomes new findings that confirm that HIV isn’t sexually transmitted when people with HIV are treated successfully (More)

Queer Amsterdam Sex Worker Talks HIV, Risk And “Feeling Emancipated”
By Mark King
Amsterdam — For Gay sex worker Lyle Muns, his profession actually helped him examine his sexuality and create healthy boundaries. He is licensed in Amsterdam — even a business taxpayer and Chamber of Commerce member — and has taken every opportunity to educate clients. (More)

The Venice Biennale Will Have A “Cruising Pavilion”
By Dan Very
Venice, Italy — For Gay men who came of age in the era of Grindr, cruising may seem like a mysterious art akin to snake-charming. But for centuries, men looking for fast and easy sex in public spaces would signal each other in a furtive and dangerous dance. (More)

111 Wet and Wild Splash Party Photos in Honolulu
By Kelli
Honolulu, HI — The 3rd Annual Splace was another amazing Day of LGBTQ Pride at Wet ‘n’ Wild Hawaii. An official Honolulu Pride fundraiser, a portion of all proceeds go directly to the 2018 Honolulu Pride Parade & Festival. (More)