<< Dec 5th, 2018 >>
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Boston - 8th Review

New Review w/Photo

Max James

Melbourne - 1st Review


December 5th, 2018

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Sean of Boston

Sean of Boston


Coffee's Break Is Over, Back On Your Head!

By Daddy

Las Vegas, NV — Going to spend the rest of the week getting done what needs to be done. Working on those last two pages for the new production backend. In the mean while:

Please, Have A Happy Holiday!

Thank-you for your donations! My reserves are at the 16% level and I received enough donations to pay the last of the November bills without dipping into the reserves. At this time I have less than a months reserves left. Any help is appreciated.

Zac Efron - As Ted Bundy

Zac Efron Transforms Himself into Serial Killer Ted Bundy

By Staff

Hollywood — Zac Efron has always had killer looks but now he's taking it to a whole new level. (More)


10 HS Football Players Suspended for Running Naked with Oreos Between Their Buttocks

By Staff

Byron, IL — High school officials in Byron, Illinois have determined that ten football players who ran across the field with Oreos wedged between their buttocks were acting voluntarily, and the stunt was not a hazing incident. (More)

Gay Star News Charlotte Prodger - Turner Prize 2018

Coming out story shot on iPhone wins Turner Prize

By Rik Glauert

London, England — Glasgow-based video artist Charlotte Prodger picked up the UK’s Turner Prize 2018 in London on Tuesday (4 December). Prodger won the top contemporary art award with two films depicting queer identity in rural Scotland. (More)

“The Cher Show” Is Great Fun, But What Happened to Chaz?

By Michael Musto

Broadway — I enjoyed Broadway’s The Cher Show, about the talented and indomitable superstar, starring three interacting women at different phases of her life. (More)

queerty.com Buddist Monk - Thirst Trap

This Buddhist Monk Is In Trouble For Being Too Sexy

By David Grant

Cyberspace — Let it be known: thirst traps are not the Buddhist way. One Buddhist monk (or at the very least, someone pretending to be a Buddhist monk) is learning that lesson the hard way after some shirtless photos have attracted criticism from the upper ranks of Buddhist authorities. (More)

Keen News Service

George H.W. Bush: As president, ‘not our friend’

By Lisa Keen

Cyberspace — When the LGBT community thinks back on the life of President George H.W. Bush, its view of the decorated war hero gentleman politician who spent years in the service of the nation is obscured. (More)

RedHot - Underwear Launch

Red Hot 100 Underwear, Calendar to Launch at Chi Chi LaRue's

By JC Adams

West Hollywood, CA — The Chi Chi LaRue’s brick-and-mortar retail outlet will transform into a “ginger emporium” Thursday for the launch of the Red Hot 100 underwear collection and 2019 calendar. (More)