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Hollywood - 15th Review



Columbus - 2nd Review


December 18th, 2018

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Kobe of Hollywood

Kobe of Hollywood


One Document Down, Taking A Day

By Daddy

Las Vegas, NV — Done reading the 188 page document. Drippy nose taking a day off.

Please, Have A Happy Holiday!

Thank-you for your donations! My reserves are at the 16% level and I received enough donations to pay the last of the November bills without dipping into the reserves. At this time I have less than a months reserves left. Any help is appreciated.

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Andy Cohen Says He and Anderson Cooper Eskimo Brothers

By Rose Dommu

Hollywood — Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper are those gay friends who get a house together on Fire Island for the summer just to make you feel bad about it with their Instagram photos — although they’re definitely not renting. (More)


‘We Should Not Let a Temper Tantrum’ Shut Down the Government

By Andy Towle

Hollywood — Senator Chuck Schumer blasted Donald Trump’s “temper tantrum” over a border wall and threat of a government shutdown on Meet The Press Sunday. (More)

Tab Hunter - Roll Call 2018

Final Goodbye: Roll Call of Some Who Died in 2018

By Bernard McGhee (AP)

Cyberspace — In a year filled with heightened political vitriol, two deaths brought the nation together to remember men who represented a seemingly bygone era of U.S. politics. (More)


Instagram Deleted These Pics Of Antoni For Being “Pornographic”

By David Grant

Cyberspace — On Friday we were just about to share a steamy photo shoot by Damon Baker featuring Queer Eye’s food guy Antoni Porowski lounging around in his Calvin Klein briefs. (More)

Roland Chesters - Undiagnoseed HIV

Undiagnosed HIV Almost Kills Gay Man And Now 12 Years On, He's A Life Coach

By James Besanvalle

London, England — Roland Chesters started becoming increasingly unwell in 2004 and he had no idea why. He told Gay Star News: ‘I was losing the use of my arms and legs, the ability to speak, falling asleep at work.’ (More)

365 Gay

Possible Presidential Candidate Cory Booker Answers the Gay Question

By Jacob Ogles

New Jersey — New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker clarified his sexuality in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer. “I’m heterosexual,” he told the newspaper. (More)

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“Queer Eye” Star Tan France Says TSA Racially Profiled

By Braqndon Voss

Hollywood — Tan France, resident fashion expert of Netflix’s Emmy-winning Queer Eye reboot, is accusing the TSA of racial profiling. (More)