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Denver - 1st Review



Washington D.C. - 1st Review


December 20th, 2018

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Coyote of Denver

Coyote of Denver


By Daddy

Las Vegas, NV

Please, Have A Happy Holiday!

Thank-you for your donations! My reserves are at the 16% level and I received enough donations to pay the last of the December bills without dipping into the reserves. At this time I have less than a months reserves left. Any help is appreciated.

Out.com Boy George - Cultture Club Back

Boy George Goes Totally Bare in His Most Vulnerable Video Yet

By Glenn Garner

Hollywood — Boy George and Culture Club are back. The iconic group behind ‘80s classics like “Karma Chameleon” and “Do You Really Want To Hurt Me” have reunited for their first album in almost 20 years, Life. (More)


Peach Takes Huge Eggplant In The Name Of Prevention

By Savas Abadsidis

United Kingdom — UK based Celebrate Condoms have produced a hysterical Christmas video that’s looking to both spread awareness of their brand and of preventing STIs and HIV. (More)

John Cena - Trainweek

With 'Bumblebee,' John Cena Finds His Stride in Hollywood

By Lindsey Bahr (AP)

Hollywood — John Cena doesn't believe in ego. How could he when he's used to tens of thousands of WWE fans chanting "John Cena sucks" every time he walks out to the ring? (More)

Gay Star News

Sam Smith to play wedding singer in LGBTI Four Weddings and a Funeral

By Jamie Tabberer

Hollywood — Sam Smith has landed an acting gig in an upcoming LGBTI-themed version of famous romcom Four Weddings and a Funeral. (More)

365 Gay Mikko Makela - Queer Migration

Why I Made a Film About Queer Migration

By Mikko Makela

— “On a day of September I left behind a land, a life, I’d never called mine.” Those are some words of bad poetry I scribbled down in a notebook over a decade ago to mark the day I left my native Finland for the shores of the United Kingdom — ostensibly to study English literature in its country of origin, but really to escape the confines of my small, conservative, gossipy hometown for a place where I could more comfortably come out and start over. (More)


Republicans Refuse To Repeal Unconstitutional Sodomy Law Because They Think Gay Sex Is Icky

By Graham Gremore

Texas — In 2003’s landmark Lawrence vs. Texas case, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Texas’s sodomy law and, by extension, invalidated sodomy laws in 13 other states, making same-sex sexual activity legal across the nation. (More)

Antoni Porowski - Too Sexy For Instagram

Antoni Porowski’s Latest Underwear Photo Shoot Too Sexy for Instagram

By Brandon Voss

Cyberspace — Antoni Porowski, resident food expert on Netflix’s Emmy-winning Queer Eye reboot, has shared images on Instagram from a revealing new shoot with celebrity photographer Damon Baker. (More)