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Denver - 1st Review



Washington D.C. - Returns

New Review w/Photo


Mexico City - 1st Review


January 17th, 2019

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Gianni of Denver

Gianni of Denver


Going, Going...

By Daddy

Las Vegas, NV — For most of my life I've been a moderate. To the left of me were the Liberals, and to the right of me were the Conservatives. That moderate strip in the middle has become ever so narrow in the last decade.

The problem is that where at one time both sides could work with each other to come up with compromises that worked for most, we are to the point where nothing can be done because of a vitriolic stalemate that seems to be enduring. In my Opinion there are not enough Moderates to temper the two sides.

We the people need to stand up and let both sides know that it's not acceptable to tear our country apart just because neither side is willing to listen to the other. It's time for the moderates to speak out!

To all those that donated thank you! I survived 2018 and have about half of January covered. My reserves are at the 16% level. At this time I have less than a months reserves left. Any help is appreciated.

Out.com Ty Mitchell - Porn Is Ethical

A Porn Star Explains Why Paying for Porn Is Ethical

By Ty Mitchell

Cyberspace — Paying for porn is ethical consumption. The fact that people believe not only believe that sex should always be free, but that sexual labor isn’t labor, that nudes don’t have value or can’t be monetized or capitalized on, is whorephobia at its finest. A lot of this assumption comes from the entitlement men have around accessing people sexually. (More)

New York State Legislature Outlaws 'Conversion Therapy' on Minors

By Kilian Melloy

New York — New York is set to become the latest state to outlaw the practice of so-called "conversion therapy" on minors with the signature of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, reported NBC News. (More)

TowelRoad.com Dremon Cooper - Gay Super Hero

‘Empire’ and ‘Precious’ Director Lee Daniels To Produce Black Gay Superhero Movie

By Savas Abadsidis

Hollywood — Daniels posted a video to Instagram last night featuring the handsome young gay man said to star in the new movie according to Gay Star News. (More)


University Employee Accused Of Filming Unsuspecting Man Pleasuring Himself In Bathroom Stall

By Graham Gremore

Corvallis, OR — An Oregon State University employee is facing criminal charges for allegedly recording unsuspecting men, including one who was masturbating, in a university restroom. 35-year-old Andres Lazaro Lopez is a Ph.D. Candidate and Success Assessment Coordinator at the school. He is charged with one felony count of first-degree invasion of privacy and two misdemeanor counts of second-degree invasion of privacy after being accused of videotaping several unsuspecting men inside the stall in a Valley Library restroom. (More)

Gay Star News George Mason & Nicholas Mullan - Threesome On London Underground

Gay Porn Star Reacts To Guilty Sentence After Filming Threesome On London Tube

By Joe Morgan

London, England — A gay porn star will be ‘laying low’ after he was found guilty of filming a threesome on the London tube network. George Mason, 35, was found guilty of ‘outraging public decency’ in Westminster Magistrates Court last week. Nicholas Mullan, his 24-year-old boyfriend, was also found guilty of the same charge. (More)

Representative Brian Sims Was Blocked From Facebook for Calling Out a Bigot

By Jeff Taylor

Cyberspace — Rep. Brian Sims was blocked from his Facebook page for calling out a homophobic bigot who called him an anti-gay slur. On January 9, Sims, the first openly gay elected state official in Pennsylvania, shared the offensive comment he received on his page, asking, “Anyone know my new friend Jill?” (More)

365 Gay Bartenders Calendar

17 Pics of Bartenders Stripped Down for a Good Cause

By Christopher Harrity

Cyberspace — Everyone loves photos of hunky men in their skivvies, especially when it’s for a good cause. The Boxers 2019 Calendar is 12 months of funderwear that will make the year fly by. (More)